Dizzy Gillespie
Salt Peanuts

Be glad - be supremely joyful, for your reward in heaven is great (strong and intense), for in this same way people persecuted the prophets who came before you. [II Chron. 36:16] You are the salt of the earth ~ but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltiness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
~ Matthew 5:12-14
Brit MI6 confirms bin Laden nukes
Obama's advisers met with Hamas
Hamas Claims Secret Relationship with Obama Aides
Hamas claims contacts with Obama advisors are ongoing
Shares of companies developing therapies based on stem cells surged on Monday, after confirmation over the weekend that Obama plans to reverse an existing executive order against federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research.
Obama called "a Prince Like Jesus"
The incoming Obama administration plans to explore a more regional strategy to the war in Afghanistan -- including possible talks with Iran -- and looks favorably on the nascent dialogue between the Afghan government and "reconcilable" elements of the Taliban, according to Obama national security advisers.

Next attack might be Nuclear:
The most interesting thing about this particular video is that it was posted by a "Pro-Islamic" (read "Jihadi") individual calling himself "Ysdechi"
Iraq's Sunni fighters leave U.S. payroll
The Sons of Iraq are now employed by the Iraqi army. Ruling Shiites still view the fighters with suspicion, and the feeling is mutual. In Baghdad, a bombing kills 31.
Dhimmah & Brownose Do Beirut

Uranium found at Syrian nuke site bombed by Israel
Russia to sell heavy arms to Lebanon
Livni rejects Olmert's call for total surrender
Unholy triple-spoking double speaky alert:
"FM says she will not be bound by Olmert's defeatist remarks, but in the past she has supported them"

Becoming Unborn-again in India
5.3 in Indonesia
Ecuadorian volcano spewing lava and smoke
Colombian volcanoes roar and rumble
Sing along with Hugo!
Chavez boasts nuclear cooperation with Russia
EU says it will talk with Russia
Putin: Russia should act to influence oil prices

The ongoing trial of ‘Ergenekon’, a clandestine Kemalist ultra secular radical group that has close ties with Turkey’s military and security apparatus, has been rightly noted as the ‘biggest trial of modern Turkey’
The trial of 86 people including former top military generals, a head of political party, important journalists and members of Turkish press and business giants started last week and sparked fierce clashes between ultra nationalists and Islamists. Ergenekon is alleged to be involved in political assassinations, terrorism, and collaboration with enemies of states i.e. PKK and propaganda missions in order to create an environment to overthrow the Islamist government by yet another direct or indirect military coup. Ergenekon existence is mostly noted from late 90’s but some Turkish sources maintain that the ‘Gladio’ has existed since 1960’s and has been involved in most of the military coups against elected governments, four to be precise.
Modern Turkey, where Ergenekon operated, came into being from the ruins of Ottoman Caliphate, relinquished anything that was once religious for centuries, under the banner of Kemalism. Kemal Ataturk, a unifying figure for many Turks, changed anything or every thing that related to the past of Caliphate, whom he served as a solider.

Turkey, alongside Spain, was the driving force behind the establishment of the Alliance of Civilisations
Congo: Nkunda vows to fight peacekeepers
Cholera spreading; epidemic fear looms

6.3 in China
Fed Covers up Financial Crisis
AIG aid tops $150 billion
They did it AGAIN:
AIG spends $343000 for Arizona retreat as thousands lose their jobs
American Express gets full bank status
Shariah compliant finance coming to US

Big oil companies eyes vulnerable M & A targets
GE developing nuclear detection system
Michigan: Gayhadis attack Christian church service

Joilet Jake Sees The Light
The Blues Brothers