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Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Missing Link-o-Rama

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

Charlie Daniels Band


US Ties Caracas to Hez'b'allah Aid

The Bush administration is accusing the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez of providing cash and refuge to the militant Islamist group Hizbullah

Iraq's Al-Maliki Wants Short-Term U.S. Agreement

Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin’s Socialist neglected "double"

In 1866, Wallace, never one to keep his opinions to himself, produced a pamphlet, “The Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural,” which he sent to his eminent colleagues. In 1869, he published a review of a new edition of Lyell’s “Principles.” In it, Wallace explained the mechanism of evolution and defended the laws of natural selection that accounted for it, but he also expressed the opinion that “there yet seems to be evidence of a Power which has guided the action of those laws in definite directions and for special ends.”

This was one of the first public expressions of a mystical turn that Wallace called his “little heresy.” Darwin, warned in advance, had written anxiously to Wallace, “I hope you have not murdered too completely your own and my child.” Wallace never did abandon natural selection, but later generations came to find him an unfit parent. He did not conform to the pattern of the modern scientist, who, on seeing the evolutionary light, was supposed to shed any illusion about the supernatural. Wallace attempted to reconcile the two, and his reputation suffered accordingly.

Hizbullah Bargains for a Child-Killer's Freedom

Tony Blair's Second Coming as "Middle East Peacekeeper"

Oy to the vey, mah ferals.

Pakistan calls the shots

Bush Offered Palestinians a State; They Said No

  • Six years ago, on June 24, 2002, President Bush announced that the U.S. would support the creation of a Palestinian state. His only condition was that Palestinians first choose "leaders not compromised by terror." He asked also that they "confront corruption," and "build a practicing democracy based on tolerance and liberty."

  • In 2006, elections were held in Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas, a terrorist organization, declared itself a political party and won. In 2007, Hamas launched a wave of violence against rival Fatah security forces. Since then, Hamas has been unchallenged in Gaza and no one talks of new elections or civil rights.

  • Nor has Hamas attempted to build an economic base. Instead, it turned to Iran's rulers for money and guidance - and then complained that Palestinians were living in squalor because they weren't receiving sufficient funds from the U.S. and Europe.

  • Hamas rains missiles on Israeli towns, sends terrorists into Israel on killing and kidnapping missions, and assigns suicide-bombers to blow up the few border crossings with Israel. Then Hamas complains that Israel is not delivering as much food, medicine, gasoline, and electricity as Palestinians require.

  • President Bush believed that Palestinians wanted a state to call their own - and that they wanted that more than they wanted the destruction of the Jewish state next door. In 2002 Bush said: "If liberty can blossom in the rocky soil of the West Bank and Gaza, it will inspire millions of men and women around the globe....This moment is...a test to show who is serious about peace and who is not."

  • He was right. It was a test. And now it's time to be candid about the results. Israelis, Americans, and Europeans are serious about peace. The enemies of Israelis, Americans, and European are serious about defeating Israelis, Americans, and Europeans.

Uccchhh, please...... it was a test, because GWB believed (and by implication of the writers words here, honorably) that they wanted a state of their own more than they wanted mountains of dead Jews?

PLEASE. If GWB IS that stupid, it is criminal.... but believe me, he is not that stupid. Israel is the price he pays to Saudi Arabia. He knows EXACTLY what he does. EXACTLY. They all do. If our so called leaders want to tell little lies to themselves to justify their actions personally then that is their affair, but don't expect me to buy that koom bah humbug bullshit, ever.

Right and wrong are written in stone, there is no fucking room for "nuance" there.


The Obligatory Jizya arrives in Denmark

Secular Israelis say they do not want "Judaism" ~ but seek Torah.....

Shariah Compliant Finance

A History of Evolution as Spirituality

The main reasons I post this is because people like Dawkins will end up here. Harris is already well on his way. They will accept it as EVOLUTION, they will believe that they are making original quantum leaps in consciousness. LOL.

Culture of Fear - Anti Jewish and Anti Israel "op-ed" from a self loathing Jew

Why don't we all just jump in the oven and save everyone the trouble, ha?

What does obscene mean?

At Dawkins site: A listing of "Atheist Help & Resources"

Helps me. I will look in to everyone of them.


Christians on trial in Algeria

The Sounds of Pulsars

Scientists "warn" that there "may be" no ice at the North Pole

As anyone can clearly see, "science" is not always based in "evidence" and "fact"

FACT is, there is a shitload of ice at the North Pole as I type this.


Devil in Disguise Remix

Danielia Cotton & Led Zeppelin

Obama's vision for government run childhood

Cardinal: Muslims should be free to convert

Hail Gaia, Full of Grace - Environmentalism as Religion: by Michael Crichton

Danish Women Held Captive in Foreign Lands

Beheaded Bodies found on Mexican Streets

And the latest from the Googleag