ARGENT: GOD Gave Rock & Roll to You
Cancer's Unexpected Blessings ~ Tony Snow
Arrest of Sudan's al-Bashir Imminent?
Native Americans against Obama
What an ASSHOLE:

Rapper Nas tells Jesse his time is up
Women turn to Internet for help with at-home abortions
Swastika Mama loses custody of children
The Swastika Against the Cross
Instant Caucasoid, use the circular motion, RUB IT!
The future of mind control
Iran test showed no new capabilities
Italy: Mosques must recognize Israel
Blasphemous Interview with Stuck Mojo on Infidel Radio
The translators of the New American Standard introduce this scripture with the heading "The Nations Will Be Judged":
FOR BEHOLD, in those days, and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations, And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel. Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land. Joel 3:1-3 (NAS)
Shaphat is Hebrew for judge. Jehoshaphat (Jehovah shall judge) is the name of the valley where all nations as nations shall surely be judged. None shall evade it. The judgment is according to the criteria of the Judge as revealed in His Holy Word.
I so love God…and notice He calls Israel His people, His inheritance, and His land.
I so love Israel… And I so love America…
That I must add my feet to my faith and travel to Washington, D.C. to stand with fellow believers in our Capital to urge my beloved country’s leaders to stand with God’s Plan for Israel. For I believe the time is short, and this is an hour of crisis.
Our presence in Washington, D.C. as individual believers, and as Christians united will count—first, before God, as we stand with His revealed will, and then, before our elected representatives in the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Please plan today to come with us and to stand up and be counted in Washington, D.C., July 21-24, for the Third Annual CUFI Summit.
~ Noted GOD Mouth Under a Bus, PastorJohn Hagee
Native Americans against Obama
What an ASSHOLE:
An anti-religion Minnesota biology professor expects to receive dozens of consecrated Communion wafers in response to his public solicitation that people send him the hosts in order that he may publicly desecrate them
The Islamic Republic of Iraq Part 1
Rapper Nas tells Jesse his time is up
Women turn to Internet for help with at-home abortions
Swastika Mama loses custody of children
Problem with this is Christian moms whose children wear crosses could also lose custody. And how about the Star of David. Both are promoting "anti-gay hate literature" nu?
The Swastika Against the Cross
Believe me. You NEED to own this book.
Instant Caucasoid, use the circular motion, RUB IT!
The future of mind control
Iran test showed no new capabilities
Italy: Mosques must recognize Israel
Blasphemous Interview with Stuck Mojo on Infidel Radio
FOR BEHOLD, in those days, and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations, And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel. Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land. Joel 3:1-3 (NAS)
Shaphat is Hebrew for judge. Jehoshaphat (Jehovah shall judge) is the name of the valley where all nations as nations shall surely be judged. None shall evade it. The judgment is according to the criteria of the Judge as revealed in His Holy Word.
I so love God…and notice He calls Israel His people, His inheritance, and His land.
I so love Israel… And I so love America…
That I must add my feet to my faith and travel to Washington, D.C. to stand with fellow believers in our Capital to urge my beloved country’s leaders to stand with God’s Plan for Israel. For I believe the time is short, and this is an hour of crisis.
Our presence in Washington, D.C. as individual believers, and as Christians united will count—first, before God, as we stand with His revealed will, and then, before our elected representatives in the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Please plan today to come with us and to stand up and be counted in Washington, D.C., July 21-24, for the Third Annual CUFI Summit.
~ Noted GOD Mouth Under a Bus, PastorJohn Hagee