QUEEN: LIAR! ~ 1973
Liar liar
we will never ever let you win
Liar liar
everything you do is sin
nobody believes you
Liar !
I will bring you down before you begin
Now let me tell you this:
Now you know you could be dead
before they let you ....
More significant by far was another recent bit of animal news, the Spanish parliament’s June 25 vote in support of extending the right to life and freedom to apes.
That would be great apes – orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees. (Pity the poor lesser apes and common monkeys, not to mention all the non-simians, whose rights for now remain unaddressed by Spanish lawmakers.)
The vote was the culmination of a push by an entity called the Great Ape Project, which for years has advocated on behalf of having apes accepted as closer to human than animal. The DNA of apes and humans, the group points out, is very similar. Indeed it is, although there are some 40 million differences among the two species’ respective nucleotides. The group further contends that “Human blood and Chimpanzee [sic] blood… can be exchanged through transfusion.” Don’t try that at home – or anywhere else for that matter; each species’ antigens would likely prove fatal to the other.

In 1826, James Smithson, a British scientist, drew up his last will and testament, naming his nephew as beneficiary. Smithson stipulated that, should the nephew die without heirs (as he would in 1835), the estate should go to the United States of America, to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men
Appendix to: Intolerance and the Politicization of Science at the Smithsonian
Keeping the communion holy ~ Jerusalem Post
Abbas' Damascus Odyssey
Sudan's president to face war crimes charges over Darfur
Something else to worry about...
his from "THE NATION": Pelosi slips impeachment onto the table
China CORRECTLY Shuts Mosques
These places of worship were used as training ground for conducting a "holy war", Chen Zhuangwei Chen, the police chief of Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang province, said. Xinjiang, which borders central Asia and Pakistan, has been the scene of a pro-independence movement by a section of the eight million Uighurs living there for a long time.
Manipulating the Media for Obama
Confronting the Islamization of the West
Israel fears the womb more than the bomb
ANC Veterans Declare West Bank is apartheid
Sarko & Assad
Muslim pervert found guilty
NECROPHILIA -Just another lifestyle choice, right?
"Pregnant Man" documentary in the works
Up to 80 Americans Instructed by Taliban "Karachi Kids" Documentary Highlights Their Plight
Congressman McCaul Urges Musharraf to Free American Children Held in Islamic Institution
Iranian Christian convert detained by Secret Police
The official spokesman for the Iraqi government said that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will arrive in Baghdad on Thursday morning leading a high-level delegation to announce the establishment of a higher council for strategic cooperation between the two countries
Human sacrifices in Iraq Sanctioned by Islam
(scroll down in this above link to the "8th speech")
In a curious departure from ritual, al Baghdadi commiserates with his soldiers that the price of sheep is too high to offer as alms during the ritual slaughter of Eid, but he offers them the alternative of a human sacrifice in its stead: the jihadists can slaughter Sunni “renegades” who had joined the American-backed tribal Awakening Councils. The only caveat he adds is that although it is favorable to offer the sacrifice before the advent of the lunar Islamic month of Muharram, one Islamic school of jurisprudence allows delaying the sacrifice until such a time as a Muslim is able to. Thus, taking the head of a renegade can be deferred.
Al Baghdadi’s eighth speech “Humble Towards Believers, Stern Towards Unbelievers,” released on December 28, 2007, see Kazimi, “Back to Al Baghdadi’s Speeches."
Obama's "Joshua Generation" hits legal rift
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution
Make sure you scroll down and see the review by Robert Steele. Goes along with Barbara Marx Hubbard's BS. The author is famous among New Age idiots.
The author synthesizes natural sciences, developmental psychology, political thought, philosophy, and spiritual traditions. I have a note later in the book on "this helps to understand the DNA of the body-mind-soul."
The author tells us that integral philosophy can and should be used to design a world federation Constitution, and later on in the book tells us that philosophy should be the bridge between science and religion and later on suggests that philosophy, science, and spirituality (the opposite of rote religion) should retain their distinct values, and not be "blended" inappropriately.
The author is confident that a global self-governance network, while moving some powers up from the national level, will also result in moving many more powers *down* to the local and provincial levels, and this struck me as a point that needs to be developed further if we are to reunite the 27 secessionist movements in the US and the 5,000 secessionist and indigenous splinter groups around the world. That could be a second book in the making!
The author posits (and provides) a universal declaration of human rights, and suggests that tiered membership in a World Federation could start with the US, Europe, Australia, and Japan, and gradually absorb others who are at differing levels of consciousness.
If I had one criticism of the author's work, it is his ready confusion of American and European consciousness and the naked amorality of American policy-makers, including an abjectly dysfunctional and corrupt Congress, with the 50 million plus cultural creatives or the 80-110 million members whose parent organizations belong to Reuniting America. This needs more dissection and remediation.
He tells us that most institutions are artifacts, and this is consistent with the view in Conversations with God and other works about how religions as intermediaries have become false gods, while government and economic and media institutions have become corrupt and mis-representative.
The Wilburian distinction of the it, the I, and the we--nature, self, and culture--is helpful, and the author takes this a step further with his discussion of a cross-cultural spiral.
He provides superb tables and text describing each of the different levels of socio-cultural consciousness, and I now begin to see his view of how integral consciousness can embrace, welcome, and deconflict among differing levels of consciousness, including warrior consciousness among the Islamic fundamentalists, and the modernist and post-modernist consciousness of more developed societies (again, he neglects to address the sharp imbalance between the American people and their terribly retarded government).
He discusses cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and values intelligence, and stresses that science without values is not complete. He acknowledges E. O. Wilson's contribution of Consilience, but does not cite John ... who gave us Voltaire's Bastards.
Importantly, he outlines how "what is truth" changes at each level of consciousness, and I find this to be among his most important insights. This is one of the author's most vital contributions, and one that future Administrations would do well to recognize: reality really is socially-constructed, and one must not only see reality as the other person sees it, but see it as a parallel universe that must be respected if one is to engage constructively.
The book works toward a conclusion by noting that integral politics transcends the schism between left and right, and here he cites Paul Ray's work reported out in 1995 on the distinctions in America between the traditionals, moderns, and cultural creatives. He says the degree of transcendence is determined by the scope of *inclusion* and that our challenge is to harmonize and integrate distinct cultures, not subdue them!
Integral consciousness finds *new* solutions via "vision-logic" centered in volition (good intention) rather than cognition, and this is very consistent with the spiritual literature that puts being (action) before planning (cognition). This is a 100-year path of value metabolism equal to the 100-year path since the last Enlightenment.
The author furthers my belief that religions should be rejected as we all adopt direct spiritual relationships with ourselves, others, our societies, and God expressed as the community of man. Beauty, truth, and goodness are the commonalities across cultures and consciousness, windows on the divine, and the place where we examine how values impact on evolution.
You fool no one
waiting to see if I'm gone
So clear to see
You've had all your chances with me
You thought that you could take me for granted
But I couldn't take it no more
Better run when you see me comin'.........