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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Deep Inelastic Scattering & the Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel - Story Summary:

Up until this point in the Bible, the whole world had spoken one language - one common speech for all people. The people of the earth became skilled in construction and decided to build a city with a tower that would reach to heaven. By building the tower they wanted to make a name for themselves and also prevent their city from being scattered.

God came to see their city and the tower they were building. He perceived their intentions, and in His infinite wisdom, He knew this "stairway to heaven" would only lead the people away from God. He noted the powerful force within their unity of purpose. As a result, God confused their language, causing them to speak different languages so they would not understand each other. By doing this, God thwarted their plans. He also scattered the people of the city all over the face of the earth.

Scripture Reference: Genesis 11:1-9


A scattering of language at the molecular level!

Tower of Babel

Babylon was one of a number of cities built by a succession of peoples that lived on the plain starting around 5,500 years ago. There developed a tradition in each city of building a temple in the shape of a stepped pyramid. These temples, or ziggurats, most likely honored a particular god. The people of Mesopotamia believed in many gods and often a city might have several ziggurats. Over time Babylon became the most influential city on the plain and its ziggurat, honoring the god Marduk, was built, destroyed and rebuilt until it was the tallest tower. The Tower of Babel (Heb.Bãbhel, from Assyro-Babylonian bãb-ili, "gate of God"), was, according to the Old Testament (see Gen. 11:1-9), a tower erected on the plain of Shinar in Babylonia by descendants of Noah. Nimrod's name is from the verb "let us revolt." He is said to be a mighty hunter (gibbor tsayidh) in the sight of the Lord, but the language has a dark meaning. He becomes a tyrant or despot leading an organized rebellion against the rule of Yahweh. He hunts not animals, but rather the souls of men. The builders intended the tower to reach to heaven; their presumption, however, angered Jehovah, who interrupted construction by causing among them a previously unknown confusion of languages. He then scattered these people, speaking different languages, over the face of the earth.

The Virtual Babel Encyclopedia


Tower of Babel tour

Tower of Babel-Ancient Babylon Ruins Inscription

Modern day Tower of Babel ruins (on the outskirts of ancient Babylon-current day Iraq) are currently 150 feet above the plain with a circumference of 2300 feet. The Greeks used the word Borsippa, which means Tongue-Tower." Inscription of King Nebuchadnezzar on Tower of Babel (Borsippa) ruins reads:

I have completed its magnificence with silver, gold, other metals, stone, enameled bricks, fir and pine.

The first which is the house of the earth’s base,

the most ancient monument of Babylon;

I built and finished it.

I have highly exalted its head with bricks covered with copper.

We say for the other, that is, this edifice, the house of the seven lights of the earth, the most ancient monument of Borsippa.

A former king built it, (they reckon 42 ages) but he did not

complete its head.

Since a remote time, people had abandoned it, without

order expressing their words.

Since that time the earthquake and the thunder had dispersed

the sun-dried clay.

The bricks of the casing had been split, and the earth of the interior had been scattered in heaps. Merodach, the great god, excited my mind to repair this building.

I did not change the site nor did I take away the foundation.

In a fortunate month, in an auspicious day,

I undertook to build porticoes around the crude brick masses,

and the casing of burnt bricks.

I adapted the circuits, I put the inscription of my name in the Kitir of the portico.

I set my hand to finish it. And to exalt its head.

As it had been in ancient days, so I exalted its summit.



The Tower of Babel-Ancient Babylon Ruins Inscription inscription is reported on Page 40 of Grant R. Jeffrey's excellent book "The Signature of God/The Handwriting of God".

In addition, Mr. William Loftus translated the inscription in his book, "Travels and Researches in Chaldea and Sinai (London: James Nisbet, 1857), page 29.