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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Missing Links in the days of future passed...

Selections from "Days of Future Passed"

2 Peter 3:8
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends:
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years,
and a thousand years are like a day.


Tablet Ignites Debate on Messiah and Resurrection
A three-foot-tall tablet with 87 lines of Hebrew that scholars believe dates from the decades just before the birth of Jesus is causing a quiet stir in biblical and archaeological circles, especially because it may speak of a messiah who will rise from the dead after three days

Europe shall bleed once again

Turkey arrests retired generals in coup probe

Abbasshole to meet Hamasshole via Assyria...

What drives Evolution?

"We just don't understand how ... the environment and [the] genetic blueprint interact during development," said Theunis Piersma of the Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
So the mystery is starting to clear around how diverse species with an array of features evolve. The field, which had relied in the past mostly on fossil records, got a boost with the development of genetic techniques and the integration of diverse sectors of science, connecting genetics, biology, ecology and computer science.

While scientists are shedding light on natural mechanisms that work to shape species, many questions in the field are brewing on the lab-bench. And the original question examined by Charles Darwin—what is the mechanism that causes new species to evolve—has yet to be fully explained.

And another related question looms: How important are chance events, as opposed to natural selection, to shaping organisms?


All we are is dust in the wind

Indonesian parliament passes sharia banking bill

More bullshit "Islamophobia" Whinese

It ain't paranoia when they really ARE trying to kill you

Secret report: Biofuel caused food crisis

The Lizard Named Oz
We're off to see The Lizard Named Oz:
Professor Avraham Oz of U. Haifa encourages fellow academics to hate Israel

In the WTF? Department: Secret Monkeys With Germs?
Hundreds of endangered monkeys are being taken from the African bush and sent to a “secretive” laboratory in Iran for scientific experiments.


Big biannual Islamist pow wow going down now in Malaysia

Sufficiently Dhimmified Rabbi invited to upcoming Beast Sponsored "Faith Conference" in Al Andulus
Saudi Arabia invited an Israeli rabbi on Thursday to attend an interfaith conference to be held in Madrid.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee to meet on Iran this Tuesday
Ya, lets have more meetings. That'll show 'em.

Third Temple Reconstruction Begins?

COLORADO: Neopaganism growing quickly

Countdown to Craven Caliphellations & a Comfy Chair Capitulation

Our "ape brethren" can think ahead, too!

Tiller the Killer Walks

Also admits to aborting one day before delivery.

The crowd at the NEA event applauded Tiller's presentation and Kathy Spillar, vice president of Feminist Majority Foundation, even commended the abortion practitioner's acts as "courageous."

Following the event, Hawkins and another SFLA member questioned Tiller about the 2002 Born Alive Infants Protection Act, a federal bill signed into law that protects born children from murder and illegalizes infanticide.

He said it was "reprehensible" for a doctor performing an abortion to let the baby accidentally slip out alive.

"If the baby is born alive, that is sloppy medicine," Tiller said in the video.

Muslim propaganda posing as feminist art as reported by PRAVDA

DEEP PURPLE: You Fool No One
California Jam ~ 1974