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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Vive La France ~ Sarkozy Wins, French Remnant Rising?


Coverage at LeFigaro

Moscovici reconnaît "la défaite"

Le député PS européen Pierre Moscovici a reconnu ce soir, quelques minutes avant 20 heures, la défaite de la candidate socialiste Ségolène Royal, "une défaite de tous les socialistes".

~ The socialist member of the European Parliament Pierre Moscovici has recognized tonight , some minutes before 8 PM, the defeat of the socialist candidate Segolene Royale,


Out with the old, in with the 'Jew'? Sarkozy talks to the 'Post'

But will Chirac be prosecuted now that he's out of office?

Sarkozy gives double-edged message to US, EU in presidential victory speech

Netanyahu says Sarkozy's election good new for Israel-France relations

Sadly, the two best men France ever had were a Corsican midget and a teenage girl... maybe today that spirit will rise in France again...


PARIS: Riot police fired tear gas into a crowd gathered at the Place de la Bastille following conservative Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential election victory Sunday and dispersed another angry group in Lyon.

Small bands of youths described by BFM TV as "militant anarchists" hurled bottles, stones and other objects at police. Some lowered their trousers to bare their backsides at riot officers with shields. Police fired a few volleys of tear gas in an effort to disperse them.

The Paris square is a major starting point for strikes and hub for popular demonstrations of all sorts.

In Lyon, in southeast France, police fired flashballs at a crowd of some 150 angry about Sarkozy's victory against Socialist Segolene Royal and detained three people, police said. The group was apparently trying to upset a victory party by Sarkozy supporters. Two officers were slightly injured, police said.

Security was tightened on election day with police visibly present around the French capital and maintaining a discreet presence in the suburbs where housing projects are located. Sarkozy is widely unpopular among youths from the projects who demonstrated their preference for Royal in the first-round vote earlier in the moth.

No incidents were reported in the projects.


Le calme est revenu tard dans la nuit à Paris, dans sa banlieue et dans les grandes villes de province. Premier bilan d'une soirée agitée : plus de trois cent cinquante voitures incendiées, deux cent soixante dix personnes interpellées et une trentaine de policiers blessés.

Peace has returned to Paris and its suburbs, and to the other cities of France, late in the night. More than 350 cars have been burned, 270 persons arrested, 30 policemen wounded.


Not only did the Associated Press bury their report that 367 cars had been torched in France, now it turns out that the media have been lying about the violence.

Because the actual number of cars destroyed by “youths” last night was 730—about twice the number reported by the AP.


"Yutes" Riot Video