(Hat Tip ~ Insanity Police)
The above are scans of the first two pages of the PDF file regarding this event, which just locked my computer up and made me loose this post, so I will not be posting that link directly.
(Click on the photos above for readable version)
Behold Howard Dean,
Keynote Speaker at the ADC's
(American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee)
Annual Convention
I am embedding and adding links in this commentary that are pertinent to understanding the implications of this double talking, triple spoking, turnspeak piece of infiltration;
This Dhimmicrat Whoredom and Muslim imperialist propaganda.
There is a lot to disseminate here so I think will have to put this one topic up as multiple posts ~ consider this Part I.
To begin with, the name of the conference: "Toward a more perfect union"
Such an American phrase.
Such an over used, trite American phrase.
Sounds good to western ears.
What could possibly be wrong with that, Babba, why are you so crazy?
I'll tell you why. To them, "toward a more perfect union" means the Caliphate, it means Sharia, it means, we are working towards a more perfect way to destroy you and everything you stand for. And notice they even put American first in the name of their cell, they are American Arabs.
My ass.
These are the same people that tell me Islam is a Religion of Peace
Dhimmicrats Akbar!
Please note that those who have an asterisk near their name have been INVITED but have not CONFIRMED, this is true for every page.
(they don't get around to telling you that for 5 more pages).
I would like to publicly ask each and every one of these invitees
if they plan to attend or not, and why.
But then journalists don't ask those kinds of questions anymore do they?
Friday June 8th ~
Dhimmicrat Whore of the Caliphate & (Pending Acceptance) Republiwhore Beasty Ho-Down
Jack Shaheen
LGF poster Gymnast gave me a long list of clues regarding one Jack Shaheen and his activities a while back. Look for an upcoming post related to this one concentrating on Shaheen soon.
The Dhimmicrats listed are the usual suspects.
Remember, the Republiwhores and upper echelon Elite Dhimmicrats are invited,
but not yet confirmed.
Saturday June 9th ~ Media Activism, MSM war lies from Theoretical Academics
and Cultural Infiltration day!
Ibish again, and then:
Hoda Osman:
is a former field producer at the investigative unit of ABC News in
Ayad Al-Qazzaz is a professor of sociology at
According to the esteemed Al-Qazzaz
(soon to replace Alakazam! in your slangology)
Big MO taught us how to be humane in war.
No, I am not kidding.
VIDEO: Ayad Al-Qazzaz Lecture on Iraq @ Cal Poly Pomo
A leading figure of the Institute for Policy Studies and the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Opposed U.S.-led sanctions against
Opposed the 2003
Shibley Telhami:
Likes the sound of his own voice.
More of the same "progressive" bilge, only more covertly stated. This one is smarter, more controlled, more reserved than the last two IMO, and therefore... more dangerous.
Keep your eye on him.
End of Part I, for now.
I still have five more pages of this to show you all.
The Link to the PDF seems OK now: "Toward a more Perfect Union