Mayor Bernie Platt Of Cherry Hill NJ
breaks ground with local Muslims
"Thank God, we're going to have a mosque"
breaks ground with local Muslims
"Thank God, we're going to have a mosque"
May 10, 2007 Diversity Run Amok
By Beila Rabinowitz and William Mayer
Less than 48 hours before federal law enforcement officials nabbed several Cherry Hill Muslims who were involved in a terror plot to murder American servicemen at nearby Fort Dix, their co-religionists were partying with Mayor Bernie Platt at a ground breaking ceremony for the township's first mosque.
In an obscene display of dhimmitude, Mayor Platt told the Muslims "I'm deeply honored to be here…particularly since I'm of the Jewish faith. We have many religions here…now, thank God, we're going to have a mosque." As Platt and state Senator Adler helped break ground for the mosque, the symbolism could not have been more potent - politicians digging their constituent's graves while local Muslims gloated about the degree of dhimmitude being shown them.
This is a very lucky mosque," said Quresh Dahodwala the leader of the sect building the mosque which will be called Anjuman-E-Fakhri, "All mosques are special" he said, "but this one is a little bit more so because it has received so much love and support…Once you build a mosque, it…will grow fast." [source]
Farhat Biviji, a member of the congregation, praised Cherry Hill as a "model of diversity," noting that in addition to many churches and synagogues it hosts houses of worship for Hindus and Buddhists "and soon, God willing, a Muslim mosque."
"A house of worship, be it church or synagogue or mosque, is the center of a community, a place of sharing and caring," said Aamilsaheb Janab Taher Bhaisaheb, the spiritual leader of the local congregation. The mosque, he promised, "will be a compassionate and much-treasured addition to Cherry Hill."
The level of unctuousness displayed by the Muslims was trumped however by the dhimmitude oozing from state Senator Adler who declared Cherry Hill a "town of faith and tolerance" adding, "what all people want is peace. We're in a place of peace right now."
Two days later, Cherry Hill's kumbaya bubble burst with headlines attesting to the arrest of 6 local Muslim men who were planning "to kill as many Americans as possible" on the nearby Fort Dix military base, with one of the terror plotters, Eljvir Duka - a member of the Muslim community in the "town of tolerance" - having proclaimed "In the end, when it comes to defending your religion, when someone…attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jihad."
What a difference 48 hours makes… Fortunately, the mosque project cannot go forward without the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency because it is situated on a wetland, let's hope the agency operates with its usual aggressiveness in such matters and denies the permit.