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Saturday, May 12, 2007

American Whores of the Caliphate & the ADC: Working towards your dhimmise through infiltration and taqiyya: Part III

Sorry this is taking longer that I expected, but it is a yawing chasm filled with the most horrifying drek and hazzeri known to mankind.
This post is for one name alone.


Saturday June 9th continued:

Haytham Faraj: USMC Judge Advocate General

Seven Marines, Navy corpsman charged with murder


Marine Maj. Haytham Faraj, who along with private attorney Victor Kelley of Alabama represents Thomas, said his client has told him he believed he was acting on an approved mission during what was his third deployment to Iraq and was following orders and procedures.


Major Haytham Faraj, a military lawyer assigned to defend Thomas, said in an interview that he and other defense lawyers were concerned that the young marines might have hurt their cases by talking to investigators from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
"Our position is that there was a lot of information coerced from them during NCIS questioning," Faraj said.


Oh Look.... He Blogs:

Why We Must Come Home

Re: Our Honor Requires Withdrawal

As a former infantry officer and now one of the military lawyers representing Staff Sgt. Wuterich and Cpl. Thomas (Hamdaniya), I'm glad that there's at least one other person who agrees with me about who is really responsible for every Iraqi and American death in Iraq. It is not the soldiers and marines.

They are mere tools in the hands of the conspirators who sent them there.


Haytham Writes Reviews on Amazon!

Imperial Israel And the Palestinians : The Politics of Expnasion

An excellent work about the Israeli policy of dispossesion, February 20, 2001

Masalha focuses on the Israeli policy of dispossession and institutionalized goal of greater Israel or Eretz Israel. He presents irrefutable evidence and sources in support of his assertions which gives the book an undeniable balance. This is not an indictment of the state of Israel. It is simply a record of the policy pursued by Israel through individuals, private groups, and governmental bodies with the overarching objective of disposesing the Palestinians of their properties and then moveing them out of Israel and the occupied territories. Nothing is presented or suggested without proof. Masalha balances his book by also discussing Israeli individuals or organizations that oppose, what most of them rightfully consider as racist, the policies that seek to force the Palestinians off their lands. No student of the Middle East in general, or the Palestinian/Arab-Israeli conflict in particular can afford to neglect reading this book. The failure of the peace process can not be fully understood without learning of the expansionist history of the state of Israel that is presented here. Labor and the Likud, though seemingly on opposite ends of the spectrum in their approach to the peace process, share a common history that sought to realize the Zionist goal of Eretz Israel at the cost of the Palestinians. Masalha also provides a comprehensive listing and a thorough discussion of individuals and groups that have sought to achieve that objective. That information alone gives this book an encyclopedic depth that is invaluable to comprehending the actors involved in the policy of dispossession and diaspora of the Palestinians.


I left his spelling errors in tact.

It gets worse, it gets much, much worse:

A Question on Iraq

A dear friend, Haytham Faraj, raised this question today:

"When the bases for going to war is faulty or outright fraudulent, can the circumstances created by the enemy you encounter retroactively give legitimacy to your otherwise patently illegal conduct? In other words, can the illegal U.S. war in Iraq achieve legitimacy by the existence of such an inhumane and evil foe who cares none at all about deliberately destroying the lives of children and innocents?"

And now for the kicker , you have to read ALL the posts on this site, I simply can not bear this crap alone! BTW there are other names in postings on this site associated with the ADC Conference, and I will get to all of that in the next installment.


Forwarded message from Haytham Faraj

Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 11:18:18 -0700

From: Haytham Faraj

Reply-To: Haytham Faraj

Subject: Lebanon Appeal

Dear Friends,
I don't normally write these type of emails but the Israeli terrorism
against Lebanon as demonstrated by their attacks on civilian homes,
infrastructure, power plants, bridges, ports, airport, wheat and flour
storage silos, water pumping stations and even a light house, yes a light
house, compels me to appeal to you to do whatever you can to help out. Call your congressional representative and register your disapproval. Contact the media and tell them that you want balanced coverage of the situation in Lebanon. Finally, take a minute and read for yourself from Internet sources, such as the Lebanese daily, daily Star at www.dailystar.,, or, the news about what is
taking place in Lebanon.

I have included the attached pictures despite their graphic nature to
perhaps move you to act and so that you may glean the true nature of the
Israeli government. No peace loving nation can stand for this type of
murderous destruction. Terrorism is not the province of individuals and
rogue organizations. Terrorism can also come from states. PLEASE HELP STOP ISRAELI TERRORISM AGAINST LEBANON

If you do not know why I am so angry and distraught it's because I am
Lebanese. My family is from South Lebanon. They are the victims of Israel's terrorism which we, the U.S., support to the tune of 3 billion dollars a year. Their Apache helicopters, F-16s, rockets and bombs were
paid for with YOUR and my tax dollars.

Members of my family are cut off, isolated, and as of yesterday, are no
longer in telephone contact. They and the hundreds of thousands like them
did nothing wrong. They have suffered from over 40 years of Israel's
aggression and continue to suffer daily from Israel's 30,000+ land mines
which the Israelis left behind after they ended their occupation yet refuse
to remove from Lebanonor to provide maps for.

Please help put a stop to this carnage. Pass this message, take action yourself, and help pass the word.

*The below message is from a Lebanese journalist. She also forwarded the attached AP pictures.*

"Dear friends and colleagues ,
You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help. I am almost certain these pictures won't be published in the West, although they are associated press pictures. I need your help exposing them if you can. The problem is these are people who were asked to leave their village , Ter Hafra , this morning , within two hours , or else. ...
So those who were able to flee went to the closer UN base where they were asked to leave. I think that after the Qana massacres in 1996 when civilians were bombed after they took shelter in UN headquarters , the UN does not want to be responsible for the lives of civilians.A FEW MINUTES AGO , the Israeli asked the people of Al Bustan village in the south to evacuate their homes. I am afraid massacres will keep happening as long as Israeli actions are unchecked. Please help us if you can.

UN offices in the South refused to host refugees fleeing Tayr Harfa. Kofi Annan (in charge of peace-keeping at the time), who stood by while 800,00
people were butchered in Rwanda, adds more blood to his record.



There's more....there's much, much more.

I need a nap.