Scene from "Gremlins II"
"Canned Food & Shotguns"
AIG Political Street Art
These posters are plastered all over my neighborhood way out here in Obama County, Brooklyn USA, the very epicenter of Obamaganda.Obama: "Palestine" a priority
A televised news conference on Tuesday in the US highlighted what are the current priorities for President Barack Obama - the US economy and the birth of "Palestine."BiBi Sells Out:
Netanyahu 'will be peace partner'
Israel's next prime minister, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, has said his incoming government will be a "partner for peace" with the Palestinians. He said he would negotiate with the Palestinian Authority, a change of tack after being critical of previous talks.
Israel's Netanyahu says he doesn't expect US policy pressure
You know what that statement says to me? He has already capitulated, so naturally there will be no pressure.
Israel bombed arms convoy in Sudan
During the recent Gaza war, Israeli aircraft conducted a daring mission into the heart of Africa to deny Hamas terrorists a resupply of weapons, according to a report by CBS News on Wednesday. Citing unidentified American intelligence sources, CBS revealed that in early January, a squadron of Israeli warplanes entered Sudanese airspace and bombed a convoy of 17 trucks carrying weapons north to the Gaza Strip.
The following is an article submitted to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center by a researcher from Israel's Bar-Ilan University, titled “Clinging to the Altar” (March 14, 2009). The article looks at military uses made by Palestinian terrorists of Temple Mount mosques throughout the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Pro-Peace Suicide Jews:
WASHINGTON, Mar 25 (IPS) - Contrary to the views of the likely incoming right-wing government of Israel, most U.S. Jews favour peace negotiations with a Palestinian unity government that would include Hamas, according to a new poll released here Tuesday by the year-old, pro-peace Jewish lobby group, J Street.Al-Qaeda and the global jihad continue to recruit Palestinian operatives on the Internet
Some 200 secular, religious and media groups from around the world on Wednesday urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to reject a call from Islamic countries for a global fight against "defamation of religion."The UN's 'Alliance of Civilizations'The groups, including some Muslim bodies, issued their appeal in a statement on the eve of a vote in the Council in Geneva on a resolution proposed by the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
By Claudia Rosett
Obama has chosen a murky venue for his venture into Middle East politics.Anti-Semitism on Arab media:
The popular Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera is still used as a venue for blatant anti-Semitism. The reputable cleric Sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi presents the conflict with Israel as a campaign between Islam and the Jews and says that Jews should be killed, citing a well-known Islamic tradition.
Did you know our National Security Advisor takes his "daily orders" from Kissinger?
I didn't! ~
U.S. National Security Adviser Jones gave these remarks at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof on February 8, 2009.
"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today.
MOHAMMAD KHATAMI, FORMER PRESIDENT OF IRAN (voiceover translation): For sure, the coming of Obama was a new phenomenon in America. This change was very exciting. ... However, we have to wait and see how fundamental this change will be. For the betterment of America itself, Europe and the third world, America needs to feel like a brother and a friend rather than a big brother and master.
RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Many Jewish groups say the other litmus test for the Iranian regime is its support for those who deny the Holocaust. Mohammad Khatami says he's never been a Holocaust denier, and that anti-Semitism only happens in Europe.
MOHAMMAD KHATAMI (voiceover translation): The Holocaust was a reality that happened in Europe. And in my opinion, it was a tragedy. And today, any act similar to the Holocaust should be condemned, no matter where, whether it is anti-Semitism happening in Europe, or actions against the downtrodden people of Africa, in Palestine against the Palestinians and anywhere that an act of genocide is happening.
“We see that some troops are coming all the way from the other side of the world to establish peace and security there,” Khatami told students at the Australian National University in Canberra. “We tell them, leave them alone, they would not cry any more.”Khatami is on an visit to Australia sponsored by Melbourne’s La Trobe University.
In Canberra, Khatami ducked questions about Iran’s nuclear programme, co-existence with Israel, treatment of Baha’is and women.
Or was that Pogrom?
Obama, NATO chief discuss Afghanistan war, Russia
Kabul Opens Bidding by Energy Firms
Afghan suicide bomber blows himself plus 6 more jihadis up in work accident
Defying Obama’s Dhimmipolitik
Defying and Defeating Barack Hussein Obama’s Dhimmipolitik:
The Nature of the Modern American Economic Crisis - Republican Leaders, where are you?
Dhimmipolitik defined: The statecraft of ethically, economically, politically, diplomatically, and militarily submitting to the dictates of Shariah Law; accepting the supremacy of Allah’s Rights over Individual Rights and National Sovereignty via policies of appeasement and surrender.
All the better with which to seize you with, my pretty!
Geithner to Outline Major Overhaul of Finance RulesTreasury Secretary Tim Geithner yesterday asked for new authority that some economists say amounts to nationalization powers in case his latest bank bailout proposal fails.
A day after unveiling a $1 trillion plan to buy up toxic subprime-mortgage holdings, Geithner said he needs expanded authority to seize troubled non-banks - such as huge financial firms, insurers and hedge funds - in the event of their possible collapse.
Geithner, appearing before the House Financial Services Committtee headed by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Newton), said he wanted to avoid a repeat of the government’s pumping massive amounts of money into American International Group, the giant insurer now on life support.
Must be the seizin' of the which!
The Treasury Department today outlined its proposed legislation for a resolution authority, which would be headed by the Department and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and informed by the Federal Reserve.The authority would allow the government to place a systemically important financial firm into conservatorship or receivership and then to administer its orderly reorganization or wind-down if the Treasury Secretary and FDIC - in consultation with the Fed and other appropriate regulatory agency - deems that institution at risk of becoming insolvent and in turn, detrimental to US financial stability.
Obama to meet with bank CEO's Friday
Render unto Seizer what is Seizers, MFers, or we will unleash the Populist Anger!
President Barack Obama will meet with about a dozen top bank chief executives on Friday, including executives from JPMorgan & Co, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, two sources familiar with the matter said on Tuesday.Today in our Populist Anger Propaganda Department:The meeting will come just days after the U.S. Treasury Department provided details on a government plan to cleanse banks' balance sheets of up to $1 trillion of distressed loans and securities.The sources did not speak on the record because the White House has not yet announced the meeting.
BusinessWeek: Will Populist Rage Hurt Corporate America?AIG Fights a Fire at Its Paris Unit
NYT: Another View: Curbing ‘Mobocracy’ With Competence
REUTERS: Wall Street backlash could spread with US bank plan
Executives' Resignations Put Billions in Contracts at Risk of DefaultUS Dollar in the Crosshairs Ahead of G-20 Summit
Geithner, Bernanke reject new global currency idea
Geithner open to China's "evolutionary" proposal
Sho' ain't what he said on Tuesday:
Geithner, at the Council on Foreign Relations, said the U.S. is "open" to a headline-grabbing proposal by the governor of the China's central bank, which was widely reported as being a call for a new global currency to replace the dollar, but which Geithner described as more modest and "evolutionary.
"Botch Up" or Sham Wow? You decide:
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent the U.S. dollar (USD) into a tailspin after remarks he made to the Council of Foreign Relations regarding the USD as the world's reserve currency. The USD slid as much as 1.3 percent against the euro (EUR) within 10 minutes of news accounts of Geithner’s remarks.Toxic Assets and the Government's Web
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ~
~ Shakespeare
WSJ: Toxic assets were hidden assets ~
We can't afford to allow shadow economies to grow this big.Speaking of shadows...
Shadow EU President?
To say that the EU is in on the brink of another crisis as a result of the fall of the Czech government would be an exaggeration.Czech PM Topolanek officially resigns
But the defeat suffered this week in Prague comes at an awkward time for both the European Union and the Czechs who hold the EU's rotating presidency.
While the long-term thrust of EU policy is not in question, the Czechs must now guide the bloc with a caretaker government in the midst of global financial crisis. Moreover, the Czech government's loss of legitimacy could lead to a damaging power struggle within the 27-member bloc.
House committee OKs bill to limit pay at bailed-out banks
Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop as Banks Go ‘Belly Up’
Financial Jargon Buster
Our A-Z will help you understand the terms used every day by those working in the financial services industry - from mortgage advisers to stock brokers.

CEO's, Financiers & Duke academics to discuss Nationalization
Former Wachovia Corp. CEO Robert Steel, corporate lawyers and Wall Street executives gather in North Carolina to discuss what it would mean if Washington nationalized financial institutions staying alive largely thanks to taxpayer money.Experts weigh bank nationalization at DUKE:
The discussion into the effects of nationalization on the banking industry, consumers, and free enterprise is Wednesday evening at Duke University's law school. This is the first of several planned discussions charting the "post-crisis" economy.
The School of Law hosted a panel discussion in the Star Commons Wednesday to explore the issue of "Nationalizing our Banks." Despite the U.S. Treasury's recent efforts to inject billions of dollars into American financial institutions, the panel generally agreed that permanent nationalization of banks was not a solution to America's financial problems.Roubini: Geithner Plan Won’t Prevent Bank Nationalizations
Prominent economists such as Paul Krugman and Alan Greenspan have suggested the idea of nationalizing banks recently, Burnside noted. Krugman, a New York Times columnist and a professor at Princeton University, told Bloomberg News Tuesday that the U.S. government would eventually have to "seize" large banks as the economic crisis worsens.
Emanuel Banked an Easy $300K from Freddie Mac
Bold claims of stimulus jobs can’t be measured
Hey, Associated Press: Way to look after the public interest! A month after the Generational Theft Act was rushed through Congress and signed into law, the news service tells us that the jobs projections were basically pulled out of thin air. The title of the AP’s penetrating, belated analysis: “Bold claims of stimulus jobs can’t be measured.”US ongoing jobless claims rise to record 5.56 million
Shanty towns and tent cities are popping up across the country as the U.S. economy worsens, but, The New York Times reports, they are not just emerging in big urban areas, but also in smaller towns.GLOW BALL "MORAL CAPITALISM" ALERT:"While encampments and street living have always been a part of the landscape in big cities like Los Angeles and New York, these new tent cities have taken root — or grown from smaller enclaves of the homeless as more people lose jobs and housing — in such disparate places as Nashville, Olympia, Wash., and St. Petersburg, Fla.," the Times reports
Gordon Brown's vision of global morality for the G20 is threatened ...
by "Westminster sleaze". Freeloading by MPs makes a grim contrast to Gordon Brown's lofty ambitions for a new ethical capitalism, argues Mary Riddell.That thing reads like it was written by a 15 year old girl who incessantly reads romance novels.
Russian & Chinese Investment into U.S. Real Estate
Stealth Seizers.
Hey...don't think of it as bondage to foreign governments, think of it as an opportunity to learn to speak Russian & Chinese!
Russia hails Russian Language Year in China
President Obama will sit down with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at next week's Group of 20 summit in London, the White House said Wednesday.HK officials to attend G20 summit as Chinese delegation members
Billionaire Li Ka-shing: China Will Lead Global Recovery
KASHING!!!! OOOhhhhh the HUGE manatee!
China’s Zhou Says Economy Recovers on Decisive Action
People’s Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said the world’s third-largest economy is recovering and contrasted his government’s “decisive” action with delays in other countries.China's power threatens US“Leading indicators are pointing to recovery of economic growth,” Zhou said in an article on the central bank’s Web site today. The government “has taken prompt, decisive and effective policy measures, demonstrating its superior system advantage when it comes to making vital policy decisions,” he said.
Zhou called this week for the creation of a new international reserve currency, signaling concern at the dollar’s weakness and China’s ambitions for a leadership role at next week’s Group of 20 summit. Finance Minister Xie Xuren urged world leaders today to step up economic stimulus to restore market confidence and to fend off trade protectionism.
China is expanding its military capabilities at high speed, and no one knows what they are going to do with them, a new Pentagon report warned.PDF ~ China: 2009 Military Power Report
8 Georgian dissidents to remain in custody
A Georgian court ruled Wednesday that eight opposition supporters accused of plotting a coup and terrorist acts should remain in custody for two months as they await trial.Police released video recordings this week allegedly showing the men trying to buy weapons with the intent of causing violence during opposition protests next month.
Dmitry Medvedev held talks with President of Turkmenistan
Russian, Turkmen leaders vow work on energy deal
Transcript: FT Interview with Sergei Lavrov
Gazprom warns Ukraine against going ahead with pipeline plan
Gazprom & Japan’s energy agency sign agreement
Missouri State Highway Patrol orders militia report shut down
Uproar over a law enforcement document linking various right-wing organizations with the modern militia movement prompted the Missouri State Highway Patrol on Wednesday to cease distribution of the report.
The document was compiled by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a Fusion Center in Jefferson City.
Restive & Angry Thai Populists Surround PM's Office
Tens of thousands of protesters surrounded Thai premier Abhisit Vejjajiva's office Thursday, stepping up efforts to topple him on the day the government launched a cash handout scheme for the poor.Dalai Lama banned to placate China, S Africa admitsPolice said around 35,000 red-shirted supporters of fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra had started arriving at Government House in downtown Bangkok to press their demands for Abhisit to call snap elections.
Populist Outrage in aftermath of China's YouTube censorship!
As of Monday, youtube is unavailable in China, an unexplained move apparently made in response to the existence of a video of Chinese soldiers beating Tibetan monks, says the BBC
More states move toward allowing medical marijuana use
Mighty white of them.
US psychiatrists to end drug company seminars
The American Psychiatric Association said on Wednesday it will end medical education seminars and meals sponsored by drug companies at its annual meetings to reduce chances for financial conflicts of interest.Microsoft Word Developer Blasts Into Space
SNIPPsychiatrists have been at the front of a controversy over conflicts of interest following accusations last year by Republican U.S. Senator Charles Grassley that prominent Harvard University psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Biederman and others failed to fully disclose payments from drug companies.
Psychiatric drugs represent billions of dollars in global sales. Last July, Grassley asked the APA to provide information about its financial ties with the drug industry.
Oh yeah? Leave him there, I say.
BTW? This is the dude who's money is behind Dick Dawkins:
Charles Simonyi, a former Microsoft executive who oversaw creation of the company's ubiquitous Microsoft Word software and other Office products, on Thursday blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard a Russian-made Soyuz-TMA spacecraft bound for the International Space Station.
Rip Off
"Just Fucking Enjoy Yourselves For a Change!"
All foreign feet down Oxford street
Faces from places I've never been
All the shops and restaurants
Ask for money I haven't got
It's just a fake make no mistake
A rip off for you but a rolls for them
It's just a fake make no mistake