Procol Harum
Repent, Walpurgis ~ Live, 1971
For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone,
declares the Sovereign LORD.
Repent and live!
~ Ezekiel 18:32
Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht) is a traditional religious holiday celebrated by Roman Catholics, as well as Pagans and Satanists,[1] on April 30 or May 1 in large parts of Central and Northern Europe.[2]
Historically Walpurgisnacht is derived from various Pagan spring customs. In the Norse tradition, Walpurgisnacht is considered the "Enclosure of the Fallen".[3] It commemorates the time when Odin died to retrieve the knowledge of the runes, and the night is said to be a time of weakness in the boundary between the living and the dead. Bonfires were built to keep away the dead and chaotic spirits that were said to walk among the living then.[4] This is followed by the return of light and the sun as celebrated during May Day.
Saint Walpurga herself was a niece of Saint Boniface and, according to legend, a daughter of the Saxon prince St. Richard. Together with her brothers she travelled to Franconia, Germany, where she became a nun and lived in the convent of Heidenheim, which was founded by her brother Willibald. Walpurga died of an illness shortly after moving the mortal remains of her brother,[5] Saint Winibald on 25 February 779. She is therefore listed in the Roman Martyrology under 25 February. Her relics were transferred on 1 May so that she might be buried beside Willibald, and that day carries her name in, for example, the Finnish and Swedish calendars.[6] [5].
when you refuse to repent?
You must decide, not I ~
So.... tell me what you know.
~ Job 34:33
I will bless those those who bless thee (ISRAEL), and curse those who curse thee.
~ Genesis 12:3
Gird yer loins, America.
The fact that this even needed to be said, and that saying it is furthermore headline worthy, is immensely chilling... and telling.
Schröder's Teheran visit kicks up storm
Iran tells Schroeder 'impossible' to stop nuclear plan
Larijani: Depriving Iran of nuclear technology impossible
Even if we were trying.
Iran Offers To Stop Attacking Troops In Iraq In Exchange For Nuclear Deal
Bahrain bans Iranian ships from its waters
and will not Assyria rule over them
because they refuse to repent?
~ Hosea 11:5
Antisemitism rises in Ukraine
France's envoy to Israel plans Iran trip
EU presidency condemns Israel's planned settlement construction
"The European Union urgently calls on Israel to reconsider the settlement's planned construction, which would be in violation of international law; run counter to the Roadmap; and is against commitments made by Israel to the Palestinians and the international community" in 2007 in Annapolis, the United States, said a statement issued by the EU's Czech presidency.
Oh yea? See above. So...... is he is, or is he ain't?
then I will relent
and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.
~ Jeremiah 18:8
Obama eyes Indonesia as key US ally
Naturally, Barry Sotero!
US, China to Broaden Dialogue on Economy, Security
Clinton: China Must Continue to Invest in US Bonds
China, taking advantage of global recession, goes on a buying spree
China, Venezuela bolster 'strategic fund' for development
Russia's attitude and response to the sinking of a Chinese cargo ship in Russian waters is unacceptable, Beijing's foreign ministry says. ...
I have listened attentively,
but they do not say what is right.
No one repents of his wickedness, saying,
"What have I done?"
Each pursues his own course,
like a horse charging into battle.
~ Jeremiah 8:6
Bolivian President Evo Morales, armed with new backing from Russia's OAO Gazprom, has given France's Total SA an ultimatum to fulfill its investment obligations in his nation's natural gas industry or face punitive action by the state.Turkey excluded from Nabucco intergovernmental agreement
Poker-Faced, Russia Flaunts Its Afghan Card
Gates told a meeting of Nato defence ministers in Krakow, Poland, that the US would review the project "in the context of our relationship with both Poland and the Czech Republic, our relationship with the Nato alliance ... and also in the context of our relationship with the Russians".Indeed they are.
"The fact is, with the economic crisis, Afghanistan and Iraq, the administration has not yet reviewed where it is on a whole range of issues, including relationships with allies, the missile defence programme, the relationship with the Russians," Gates told reporters.
He added: "These things are all, in many respects, tied together."
Russia amends decree to facilitate nuclear exports
Russia guarantees $415 million in defence sector loans
Gas crisis looms again in Ukraine
Georgia Offers Sideburns and a Disco Beat as Payback for a War is a cruel and unusual punishment!
You struck them, but they felt no pain;
you crushed them, but they refused correction.
They made their faces like flint
and refused to repent.
~ Jeremiah 5:3
Swiss Weigh Bank Secrecy Options Amid UBS Deal
The Honor Of God: Economic Fascism
We are now seeing what hard-core liberals always predicted would happen: the economic convergence of the two systems, USA and USSR. The system of economic convergence is fascism. That was what the liberals always wanted, but called it something else: “economic democracy” or “the government-business alliance.”
Roubini to Obama: "Make haste slowly" on bank nationalization
through the prophet Isaiah:
A voice of one calling in the desert,
Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.
~ John the B. in Matthew 3, quoting Isaiah 40:3
UK: Parents told: avoid morality in sex lessons
Communist Goals, 1963:
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."CHECK!
Slick Willie Jonesin' For Hopium
Biden swears in Panetta at CIA
Villagers Beat Official Over Quake Relief
Farmers in earthquake-devastated southwest China beat a village chief and clashed with police this week after they claimed they were cheated out of quake relief5.2 in China
subsidies, state media said.
5.3 in Indonesia
Poll: Obama More Popular Than Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
Put together?
the Holy One of Israel, says:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it."
~ Isaiah 30:15
Procol Harum
Repent, Walpurgis ~ Album Cut
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