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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Missing Links: Maybe I was too good to you...

Lorraine Ellison
Stay With Me
Maybe, maybe.... I was too good...
too good to you.
OIC holds ministers confab in Cairo
...ostensibly to "promote women's rights". LOL!

OIC Chief on Gaza

Israel to mull ceding part of Ghajar
Shit, lets give them our mothers and daughters while we are at it too.

Olmert, Barak in secret meeting with Jordan's king over Gaza

US Student Faces Iranian Propaganda Charges

Herod family tombs possibly found

Hebrew papers run full page ads of Arab "peace plan"
And people wonder why I am all apocalyptical

Iran trying to contact hijacked ship

Iran kills Kurdish separatists at border

Islamic Banking: Growth & Prospects

Saudi Prince to the rescue!
This is the same cat that owns 5.5 % of Faux - I mean FOX - news

Everything Old is New Again!

John Kerry to be chairman of CFR
Be afraid. Be very afraid!

Israel to boycott Durban II
I don't know if that's the right way. Me? I'd probably show just to make them have to say all that shit in front of my face.

TRANSCRIPT: English Translation of Zawahiri Message

Media organisations complain to Israel over Gaza press blockade

Did they ever consider it is for their own safety?

UN Watchdog Finds Nuclear Threats in Syria and Iran

Ya Kiddin'!

Iran Said to Have Enough Nuclear Fuel for One Weapon
Yea well, all they really need is one..

Argentina to Provide Nuclear Technology to Algeria

VIDEO: Iraq-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement

The Kremlin Pretends the Heat Is Off

Putin vows to prevent 'collapse'

Russia's Iskanders can take out US BMD base in Poland

Poland seeks to reassure Russia on missile defense

Russia To Build A Nuclear Reactor For Venezuela

Russia warns Georgia against rebuilding its military

There is no such thing as 'EU Energy Independence'

Ukraine Begs NATO to Ignore Russian Pressure

Europe is interested in getting oil by the Nabucco pipeline, but Europe must be more organized in expressing its common will

Gazprom steps up pressure on EU

Gazprom reduces forecast for gas exports to Europe

BASF, Gazprom Transporter Scraps German Gas Pipe Plan

How dependent is Europe on Russian gas?

La Caixa has held talks on potential Repsol sale
...raising the spectre of a hostile bid from the Russian firm LUKOIL.

GazProm Media Completes $15 Million Acquisition of "RuTube"

Gazprom railway transport subsidiaries liquidated

Gazprom Mulls Ruble Settlements for Gas Supplies to Moldova

ConocoPhillips, Gazprom in Alaska talks
Closer to home. Starting to give a shit yet?

Gazprom Can See Alaska from Its Door

Gazprom Seeks Oil Majors As Partners For Arctic LNG Projects

Russia Transneft could take BP to court over CPC

Mercy That Eludes Medvedev

Thousands of rioters attack police in China

China relents: Woman will not be forced to have abortion

Scientist finds penguin thought to be extinct for 500 years
According to the so smarts, you'd think it would have evolved by now. Stupid penguin.

Bush hands over reins of economy to EU

Hindu Extremists: Reward to Kill Christians

Menino's mosque
The bizarre story behind the construction of Boston's most controversial building

Atheist military

A former evangelical Navy chaplain hopes that president-elect Barack Obama will not take actions aimed at completely removing any vestige of Christianity from the United States military.

Secular Humanist club takes root at APSU

Pig's head hung at Jewish cemetery in Germany

Ecuador just gave every virus, bacterium, insect, tree & weed constitutional rights

Pirates transform villages into boomtowns

India kicks some pirate ass

Volcano experts gather for UN meeting in the Comoros

6.2 in Panama


Christopher Smart is a very interesting poet. Jubilate Agno was written while he was confined in Bedlam - they locked him up for "religious mania" and praying loudly in the street, among other things
My kinda guy.

Ten Wheel Drive with Genya Ravan
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