The Temptations
Ball of Confusion
Ball of Confusion

Naturally, Obama likes it!
A Serious Global Solution for the Serious Good of the Unserious Global Collective!
"All of us recognize this is a serious global crisis that requires a serious global response for the good of our people."Czar Paulson: AGGRESSIVE GLOBAL EFFORT PLANNED
Czar Paulson expects G20 to endorse G7 action plan
Gee Whiz.

Rocket scientist/beard of a bag man Comrade Kneel Cash Carry to speak Monday
Wachovia to close Wells Fargo deal without shareholders' OK
Australia's Four Big Banks May Need Support, Australian Says
EU governments compromise on energy deregulation
Gazprom Extends Network In Deal With Ireland
Russia's Gazprom signs MoU on Kyrgyzgaz stake sale
Russia's Jerusalem land claim worries Israelis
That's good. For a minute there I thought it only worried me & Ezekiel

McCain: Citizen Obama is a decent family man & a Christian, so STFU!
Thus sayeth the man the Republican party ran for president. Matter of fact he will even shut you the fuck up to say it. Maverick!:
Republican presidential candidate John McCain interrupted boos from his supporters and tried to curb their anger toward his Democratic opponent Friday during a town hall meeting in Minnesota.
McCain has let angry shouts against Sen. Barack Obama pass unchecked at previous rallies. This time he stepped in, while many in a crowd of about 2,000 booed when McCain said he admired Obama and his accomplishments.
"First of all I want to be president of the United States -- obviously I do not want Senator Obama to," McCain said at one point. "But I have to tell you -- I have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States."
The crowd booed again.The event in the Twin Cities suburb of Lakeville was part campaign rally, part town hall meeting -- and many of the questions focused on Obama. "I can't trust Obama," said Gayle Quinnell, 75, of Shakopee. "I have read about him and he's not, he's not -- he's an Arab."
McCain shook his head and cut her off: "No, no. He's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about."
Obama is a Christian whose campaign and others have debunked persistent rumors about his faith. ....

I don't know if he is a Muslim or not. I do know that he is a Marxist and that he is not a Christian regardless of how many times he calls himself one.Now - the fact that he does not answer in this manner and furthermore shuts this person up in order to not answer in this manner telegraphs lots of uncomfortable information about WTF really goes on here. Add that thought to the fact that he did not bring any truth regarding who Obama is to his face in that so called debate. No, instead he avoided it entirely.
He appears to subscribe to a sort of "black liberation theology" which is a mixture of co-opted Christian mouthings, straight up Marxism and a black power philosophies which originate with a man named James Cone, who used the Gramscian model of politicizing the personal, in this case, race, and using it as a weapon against your enemy, ETC.....
And people insist to me that they are doing some preventative, righteous thing by voting for this guy, and that I am a terrible citizen for refusing to sign my name to this "lesser" evil?
Yeah well... understand this: it does not look lesser to me, Feralmanity, it just looks DIFFERENT
~ The Spleen

Missing US Journalists show up in Syria
The Somali Jihad Pirates are now threatening to blow up the Ukranian mystery weapons ship
UN passes buck on Kosovo to "International World Court"
Serbia Expels Macedonian Ambassador after Kosovo Recognition
GATES: US forces in Kosovo through 2009
GATES: US supports "peace talks" with the Taliban
NATO to Target Opium Network Funding Taliban
Naturally, they have to get their cut just like in the Balkans

Global Solutions ! Never fear, third world ex transportation ministers will tell us how to solve it:
Mac Maharaj, South Africa's former minister of transport, told a key U.S. House committee he saw that Iraqis want to be included in a peace process similiar to the Helsinki meetings. "I see the importance of it as a platform so that Iraqis can now begin to articulate their grievances so that even those who have taken to violence can come to the table and tell us and tell themselves why they want to resort to violence," Maharaj said. The Helsinki participants told the committee a new U.S. administration, after the election, must be convinced to continue such talks. They say this is the only way for the U.S. to get out of Iraq without leaving behind more ethnic violence.

Tony Blair "hopeful of Turkey's Unique Role in the ME"
Beirut ostensibly accepts Syrian explanation for troop moves, but I don't
NYT ~ Canada: Terrorists are "not so sinister", even when they plan on beheading your PM
Gay marriage now law in CT
Gov. Jim Doyle unveiled an initiative Friday to make Wisconsin a worldwide leader in personalized medicine, a fledgling science that would treat patients based on their DNA
Czar Bloomberg to spend 80 Million to stay Czar in contravention of established law
The End of the World as We Know it