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Monday, October 6, 2008

Missing Links: Beware the Laika Fire!

The lake of fire is the second death.
If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life,
they were cast into the lake of fire.
~ Yochanan, from Patmos, way back in the day

Laika & The Cosmonauts
Surfs Ya Right

Just call me Laika: Now I wanna be your Soviet Space Dog
Even the administrator of NASA, Michael Griffin, has called the situation "unseemly in the extreme"
70 years on....

Wall Street Ends Comradilito Juan "Maverick" McCain’s Lucky Streak


Obamanable Snowjobman is a racist, marxist, elitist blowhard piece of shit, everyone knows it, but it just doesn't matter, does it?

Report: Syria reaches out to Obama

Israeli generals say Obama camp duped them

Fly me, I'm Randy:
Dutch prostitutes offering "whore miles"

Czar Paulson to name a former colleague at Goldman Sachs, Neel Kashkari, to oversee the Big BilgeOut
Neel Kashkari? I'm working on it. More to come later. We might as well rename the country The Peoples Republic Of Goldman Sachs right now.

Bailout Funding Promises To Pressure Treasury Prices

Death spiral in EU credit system

European, Asian Markets Plunge on Crisis Fears

Turkey's Simsek to attend IMF-World Bank meetings

UK: PM Gordon Brown announced more changes to his government Sunday, completing a shake-up intended to strengthen the government as it faces the global economic crisis

Britain's first Muslim minister, Shahid Malik, has been promoted to the department of justice as part of Gordon Brown's cabinet reshuffle

Should America Bail Out ‘Sharia’ Finance?

AIG's Sharia (may piss be upon it)

AIG plans to sell UK operation

FLASHBACK~ September 30, 1999:
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.

The action, which will begin as a pilot program involving 24 banks in 15 markets -- including the New York metropolitan region -- will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans. Fannie Mae officials say they hope to make it a nationwide program by next spring.

Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.
Lebanon: Israel stole our falafel!

A Shahid Grows in Brooklyn

Likely they will watch me instead of Achmed Al Kilya in Brooklyn

More on these "expanded powers"....

‘Our nuclear activities are legal’

Iran: Take your Infidel Think Tank and shove it

Ahmadinejad: 2,000 Jews Control the World

And God, I know, I'm one! ULULULULULULU!

Livni: Time running out on Israel-Palestinian deal
Again with the rushing, just like with the BilgeOut - gotta do it FAST! BWAK! Disaster looming! Ya do it ALL fast you archassholes so no one gets a chance to THINK about WTF is really happening here.
Qurei: No agreement without Jerusalem

Palestinian leader, Islamist chief discuss Temple Mount takeover

Go Rabbi Shafran!

Clinton's real legacy in Israel

Dig the language in this piece. Really pay attention

Sharia spoof banned from Youtube

Homo Stultus WILL Reeducate you

UK teachers union official: consensual sex with students ok

6.8 Hits Xinjiang

Earthquake rattles Afghanistan

Severe earthquake tremors in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Gujar Khan, Jhelum

Powerful Earthquake in Kyrgyzstan

Earthquake Cluster Closes in on New Zealand

Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow
Lady of the Lake