Red Russian Army Choir & The Leningrad Cowboys
Ociy Cernye (Dark Eyes)

Israel will be closely monitoring the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna on whether the UN nuclear monitoring agency will allow Syria to join its Board of Governors
UN nuclear meeting criticizes Israel
a Muslim-led push Saturday linking the Jewish state to nuclear proliferation in the Mideast has been defeated. Iran spearheaded the verbal attack at the 145-nation International Atomic Energy Agency general conference.

France urges Israel not to attack Iran
Olmert, who flies to Moscow tomorrow, to ask Russia to halt Iran missile sale
Abbas: Palestinians determined to reach two-state solution with Israel

Meet Noah, one of Lebanon's drug barons
French, Russian, and American officials were quoted by the Beirut press on Thursday as rejecting any form of Syrian military intervention in Lebanon
Lebanese security officials said the perpetrators of a series of bombings and attacks in northern Lebanon linked to Sunni militants have taken refuge in a nearby Palestinian refugee camp

Democrats want review of exports to Iran
Sales are up twentyfold, and receipts include guns, which officials call a typo....
WASHINGTON — Two House Democrats are asking congressional investigators to examine U.S. exports to Iran to see whether approval procedures are being abused in light of a dramatic increase in the dollar value of shipments there over President Bush's first seven years in office.
Iran: Oil price below US$100 "unsuitable"
US and Indian diplomats laud nuclear deal
Buffett stacks his nuclear deals
Egypt: Court gives Christian boys to Muslim father

Russia blames Georgia for S.Ossetia blast
Georgia blames Russia in blast
Georgia asks Sweden to broker talks with Russia
Banks seize Deripaska's 20 million Magna shares
Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska has been forced to hand over his stake in Magna International Inc. to his banks, after taking a margin call on his $1.54-billion (U.S.) investment in the Canadian auto parts maker. In a stunning turn of events, Paris-based bank BNP Paribas SA seized the Russian oligarch's 20 million shares in Magna, unwinding a deal that closed 13 months ago and making one of the world's richest men the latest casualty of the global credit crisis. The move hands full control of the auto parts giant back to its founder, Frank Stronach.Kremlin: Ukraine and Georgia in NATO could lead to deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on their territory and trigger a new arms race
Russia's President Predicted an Imminent American Calamity & Now He Wishes to Cash In On the Enormous Opportunity
UK's most senior military commander in Afghanistan: We can't win. Be prepared for a deal with the Taliban
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain to meet 10/10

Former Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze proposes to establish a World Government, which could be called "International Parliament". Shevardnadze wrote about it in a letter addressed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, to UN member countries and all international governmental and non-governmental organizations, reports Echo of Moscow. The International Parliament, according to Shevarnadze, should focus on global issues like local armed conflicts, economic globalization, uncontrolled population and global warming.
We have it already, Tovarich Eddie, you addressed your letter to it.Eduard Shevardnadze lived many lives - as a KGB and Communist Party official, as Soviet foreign minister, but his final role - as president of his native Georgia - ended in ignominy

With the political battle over the Bush administration's $700 billion financial rescue package at an end and the real work of rescuing the financial markets just beginning, all eyes are turning to Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr.Legg Mason Shariah
The bill gave him unprecedented powers to shore up the ailing financial system. With few constraints, Paulson will make all the key decisions on who to hire, when to launch the program and perhaps most importantly how much the government will pay for troubled assets from ailing Wall Street firms. A misstep could mean hundreds of billions in losses for taxpayers or a cascade of failures for banks.
Speculation was rampant on Wall Street yesterday about who Treasury would hire to manage the assets that the government plans to buy. Industry sources say the department has asked leading Wall Street firms for feedback and that Legg Mason, Pimco, BlackRock and MKP Capital Management were recommended to Treasury.
These firms rose to the top of the list because of their expertise in mortgage-related assets. But hiring them as asset managers for the government would raise the potential for conflicts of interest, particularly because they would be managing the assets while also selling their own troubled securities to the government.

Goldman Sachs illustrates corporate ‘capturing’
Front Street Private Bank launched the Front Street Sharia Resource Fund on August 1st 2008 with $10 million. It is a global resources fund, managed in accordance with Sharia principles and advised by Front Street's Canadian investment advisor in Ontario
Sharia financials - a way to beat the credit crunch?
Credit Suisse Sharia
Pastor Hagee recovering from open heart surgery
He'd better go easy on the biscuits & gravy from now on
Tom Waits ~ Russian Dance