Vanilla Fudge ~ Season of the Witch

Bush and Abbas meet tomorrow
Hamas, Islamic Jihad call BMW Jihad a 'natural reaction'
A top Palestinian Authority security official would not count out using military force to retake the Gaza Strip

Lebanese President Michel Sleiman has addressed the UN General Assembly, urging Israel to withdraw from all Arab territories

This is the actual headline:
Ahmadinejad rails against Zionists, U.S. bullying
Ahmadinejad said he was "ready" to meet publicly with both US presidential candidates
YESTERDAY: President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly
Iran Declares Nuclear Holiday
Please pay attention to the fact that there are two issues that go side by side in this discussion. The first part is the proposal we have given to resolve the problem of Palestine. For 60 years, wars and killings have been going on over there.
Every peace proposal that has been put on the table so far has failed to give results. Why? Because it neglects the rights of the Palestinian people. Our proposal has been to offer the Palestinian people a free referendum. Everyone who lives in Palestine [should be able] to participate in a referendum to decide the future and the nature of its government.
Let me create an analogy here — where exactly is the Soviet Union today? It did disappear — but exactly how? It was through the vote of its own people. So therefore in Palestine too we must allow the people, the Palestinians, to determine their own future.
And then the second side of this same issue, and I’d really like to invite you to pay attention to it. Especially you — you must, because you are always being subjected to [the] unilateral sort of information that is coming from the administration here.
Let’s ask ourselves, where exactly did the Zionist regime come from? Palestine has existed historically with people who live there for thousands of years. Then at gunpoint several million of the indigenous people there were forced out of their homes and became displaced. And it didn’t stop there; others were brought from elsewhere in the world to replace them. How can you accept this regime?
Ahmamadmanjihad on Larry King last night
Iran has made its proposal loud and clear: We’re calling for free referendums for the Palestinian nation to determine their own government. This will be reflected in a proposal which we will soon submit to the U.N. secretary-general. Palestine constitutes a nation that has lived there for hundreds if not actually thousands of years. Now, with the pre-planned thinking, [Israel has] actually displaced over 5 million people from their own lands and collected other people elsewhere from the world and has put them in their place. How is it possible to recognize a state that has come about as such?
If we agree and accept that certain events had occurred during World War II, well, where did they indeed happen? In Germany, in Poland and in Great Britain. Now, what does this exactly have to do with Palestine? Why is it that the Palestinian people should pay for it?
We welcome any part of the occupied lands that are freed. We believe that the freedom of the Golan Heights is exactly what the Zionist regime does not want. And we think it is very unlikely that it will happen as a result of the negotiations.
The regime resembles an airplane that has lost its engine and is kind of going down. And no one can help it. This will benefit everyone – more than anyone, the American people. Because in the name of the American people, this regime is carrying out crimes, crimes that fill the pockets of capitalists, for which the American people pay.
Above all, you have given the world time to digest the notion that Iran will inevitably become a nuclear power, and that nothing can be done to stop it — at least at any kind of acceptable price. Will Americans agree to open a third military front in the Middle East? Does Israel, which couldn’t so much as defeat Hezbollah, want to roll the dice on a bombing run that will spark another bloody regional war but retard Iran’s nuclear programs by at most a few years? How will the U.S. afford its epic Wall Street bailouts if you shut down the Straits of Hormuz?
Europe and the United States must agree quickly on a more persuasive set of punishments and incentives… We don’t know if any mix of sanctions and rewards can persuade Iran’s leaders to abandon their nuclear program. But without such an effort, we are certain that Tehran will keep pressing ahead, while the voices in the United States and Israel arguing for military action will only get louder.
IRAN: Ramtin Soudmand, Christian convert, had been arrested in August for abandoning the Muslim faith. The penalty for this is now death. The draft bill seeks to add several crimes to the list of acts that would result in execution, including "establishing weblogs and sites promoting corruption, prostitution, and apostasy."
Russian UN Ambassador: Russia is intent on mending ties with the U.S. once President George W. Bush leaves office, prompting unprecedented interest in this year's presidential campaign.
Putin’s package
The Russian government’s $100bn-plus financial rescue plan has won a better reception from investors than Washington’s $700bn proposal.
Putin: Russia still seeks WTO membership, broader ties with EU
Putin told entrepreneurs on Saturday that Russia has remained open to close international cooperation, which must be founded on "respect for a partner and mutual interests." Russia is the only major world economy still outside the WTO although it began talks in 1995.Sarkozy Urges Credit-Crisis Summit as World Leaders Blame U.S.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) warned his former colleagues that they would pay a price in November for backing the bailout now — and that John McCain could ride to victory over Barack Obama by persuading voters that the bailout is really the “Obama-Bush plan.” While McCain seemed to move in the other direction Tuesday, Gingrich called the Paulson plan “stupid,” “a really bad idea” and “the kind of corrupt scheme that could have been designed by [Russian Prime Minister] Vladimir Putin.”

Asian markets up after Buffett backs Goldman Sachs
Sumitomo 'to invest heavily' in Goldman Sachs
Sumitomo Mitsui financial group could become the third Japanese bank in a week to take advantage of the turmoil on Wall Street amid reports that it is poised to invest heavily in Goldman Sachs.Sumitomo Mitsui plans to plough "several hundred billion yen" into Goldman Sachs in response to a request from the US investment bank, the Kyodo news agency said. The Nikkei financial daily said the bank, Japan's third biggest, was considering an investment of up to ¥100bn (£500m
Buffet/Paulson/Goldman Sachs - American Taxpayer Loses His Shirt
Republican Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky on Capitol Hill Tuesday called Treasury's plan for the biggest financial bailout since the Great Depression "un-American." From Bunning's prepared statement:
The Paulson proposal is an attempt to do what we so often do in Washington—throw money at a problem.
We cannot make bad mortgages go away. We cannot make the losses that our financial institutions are facing go away. Someone must take those losses. We can either let the people who made bad decisions bear the consequences of their actions, or we can spread that pain to others. And that is exactly what the Secretary proposes to do—take Wall Street's pain and spread it to the taxpayers. The plan has not even passed, and already Americans are paying for it because of the fall in the dollar as a result of all the new debt we will be taking on.
I know there are problems in the financial markets, and I share a lot of the same concerns that our witnesses do. However, the Paulson plan will not fix those problems. The Paulson plan will not help struggling homeowners pay their mortgages. The Paulson plan will not bring a stop to the slide in home prices. But the Paulson plan will spend 700 billion taxpayer dollars to prop up and clean up the balance sheets of Wall Street. This massive bailout is not the solution, it is financial socialism, and it is un-American.
Sonny & Cher ~ Bang Bang