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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Missing Links: I Won't Take Dee Bait

Frank Zappa & the Mothers ~ Plastic People

Radio address by President Bush:
Good morning. This is an extraordinary period for America's economy. Many Americans are anxious about their finances and their future. On Wednesday, I spoke to the Nation, and thanked Congress for working with my Administration to address the instability in our financial system. On Thursday, I hosted Senator McCain, Senator Obama, and congressional leaders from both parties at the White House to discuss the urgency of passing a bipartisan rescue package for our economy.
U.S. bailout critic likens its architects to communists

UAE moves to boost liquidity

Mahmoud Abbas said in remarks published on Thursday that Arab states were preparing "binding" proposals for a settlement between the Islamist movement Hamas and his own Fatah group

Palestinian Crimes against Christian Arabs

Bush lauds Lebanese efforts at reconciliation

If You Want to See Blood Come to Mosul

Sadrists and Iran denounce US-Iraqi security pact

Sadirists bearding themselves in other "political groups"

Ahmadinejad: Iran will send satellite carrier rocket to space

Chinese Space Cowboy

Fidaen-e-Islam which claimed responsibility of the Marriott hotel suicide blast, has threatened to target every person working for American army in Pakistan.

Russia to build Turkey's First Nuke Plant
Turkey received six envelopes in the tender for the construction of the first nuclear power plant but only one of them was a bid, the general manager of Turkey's Electricity Trade Corp (TETAS) said Wednesday

Haci Duran Gokkaya said Atomstroyexport-Inter Rao-Park Teknik joint venture is the sole bidder of the tender, adding the rest of the submitted envelopes were expressions of thanks.
Turkey to host disputed Pakistan, Afghanistan in trilateral meeting

Turkish president seeks support for U.N. security council seat

U.S., Russia Agree On Draft Iran Resolution

Chavez Secures Nuclear, Arms Promises During Russia Visit

Over 200 foreign clerics to attend opening of Grozny mosque

Survivor of Darfur horrors rejects calls for her silence

UN: Press Conference by head of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) at the General Assembly

The Prophet Zimmy ~ Idiot Wind
Rolling Thunder Revue ~ 1976