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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Missing Links: Equinox Bound to Fall

John Coltrane ~ Equinox

Israel to help Muslims carve Quranic verses on Temple Mount

Sunday will never be the same

Hamassholes vs Abbassholes

Deposed Hamas premier Ismail Haneya on Sunday affirmed that his Islamic movement will consolidate its rule in the Gaza Strip and will not give up control on the territory

President Bush "looks forward to discussing with President Abbas the progress made toward building Palestinian institutions and toward realizing the vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said in a statement.

OIC disapprobation:
The condemnation from the Organisation of Islamic Conference of suicidal bomb attacks killing innocent people, is ascertaining the statement already maintained by many a scholars in the Muslim world who find no religious pat in such acts of brutality and barbarism. But unfortunately the attacks are not coming to an end and continue to pose unceasing threat to humanity and Muslim states, sadly all in the name of Islam by their perpetrators.


The best is to keep head cool and find other means to overwhelm the enemy.
The Reemergence of Kashmiri Intifada

The archaeological site of Knidos in Turkey was once a jewel of ancient Greek civilization
A major port that exported wine as far as India and Britain, it was also the religious center of a confederacy of Greek cities and the site of a medical school that rivaled the legendary Hippocratic clinic. Archaeologists believe most of the city's secrets lie hidden beneath the ground. But Turkey has suspended excavations — accusing the project leader of negligence that led to the collapse of a newly restored column.Turkish professor Ramazan Ozgan is now fighting a legal battle at the country's highest administrative court to overturn the government's cancellation of his almost 20-year-old excavation permit.

NEW DELHI: India and France are close to an signing a nuclear energy pact similar to a deal New Delhi has already struck with Washington, India's top diplomat said on Friday

North Korea said Friday it is making "thorough preparations" to restart its nuclear reactor, accusing the United States of failing to fulfill its obligations under an international disarmament-for-aid agreement.
The sister of Ramtin Soudman, an Iranian Christian jailed by authorities under unclear circumstances, tells RFE/RL's Radio Farda that his family is concerned about his fate

Iran makes it a capital offence to change faith

Ahmadinejad: Israel won't survive in any shape or form

"This Sarah Palin thing is getting scary," a friend said the other day, taking a thoughtful sip from his pint. "People keep going on about her charisma and sexiness, and it's like they are wilfully ignoring the fact that she's a creationist." "Yeah, but I bet she's a dirty creationist," another friend said with a wistful sigh. "You can just tell." Well, it made me laugh. And the reason I mention it is that the term "creationist" nowadays seems to be on a par with racist or paedophile.
China unveiled a number of initiatives late Thursday to shore up its ailing stock market and bolster investor confidence

700 BILLION + some not so plausible deniability = Socialist Republic of Reality TV Land
Sleep, little sheeple... it is all for the common good.

Which leads me to:

WTF is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and why should you care?

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation, popularly known as the RFC, was established in 1932 under the sponsorship of President Hoover and expanded during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt. The corporation made loans to banks, insurance companies, and industrial corporations as a way of restoring credit during the Great Depression. Toward the end of the decade, it made loans to defense-related industries. It was officially dissolved in 1953 during the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Despite some initial success, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation never had its intended impact. By its very structure, it was in some ways a self-defeating agency. The law required full transparency — the amounts of all loans and the names of the recipient companies were made public. This requirement had the unfortunate effect of undermining confidence in the institutions that sought loans. Too often, for example, a bank that asked for federal assistance suffered an immediate run on its funds by worried depositors.
pg. 190 Senator McCarthy-"In September of 1950, Cosgriff gave some money to Benton. In October of 1950, Cosgriff was appointed as director of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation."
The War Finance Corporation was a government corporation in the United States created to give financial support to industries essential for World War I, and to banking institutions that aided such industries. It continued to give support to various efforts during the interwar period. The corporation was created by a Congressional act of April 5, 1918, and abolished on July 1, 1939.

Since government borrowing to pay for the war had attracted a majority of private capital, little capital was available for corporations to borrow; the War Finance Corporation was designed to make such capital available. After the armistice in late 1918, the Corporation assisted in the transition to peacetime by financing railroads under government control, and making loans to American exporters and agricultural cooperative marketing associations. The Corporation established agricultural loan agencies in farming areas, and cooperated with several livestock loan companies. Eugene Meyer, Jr., a wealthy and ambitious capitalist, Wall Street Banker, was its managing director.Operations of Corporation not governmental:
But the Reconstruction Finance Corporation does not in any sense come within the requirements stated. It was un constitutionally created and it has pursued an unconstitutional course.

The first and most important activities of the Corporation were in reconstructing the financial status of banks, railroads, and other corporations threatened with collapse. Loans of the money of the taxpayees to banks, railroads and other big concerns ran into the billions.

But thousands of individuals and businesses of small class had to suffer unaided the consequences of the panic. Whether that distinction or discrimination was warranted by a consideration of the relative importance to national stability of the

1. The argument of counsel for Maryland against the constitutionality of the act creating the Bank of the United States was very learned. The question was discussed pro and con by able men long after the decision, In Jackson's administration a recharter was refused and the validly of the decision by Marshall rejected. Senator Benton of Missouri leading the opposition. In the light of the history of banking by the National Government, with its failures, with its inflations and deflations, and with its operating as the machine for manufacturing debt, one is justified in lamenting that it did not from the first do its fiscal business with bankers, restricting its activity in the field of finance closely to its granted power, "to coin money and regulate the value thereof."

A dispatch from Washington in April, 1949, said that the Committee on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, headed by ex-President Hoover, had asked Congress "to put the Government out of the money-lending business and eliminate 30 Federal agencies engaged in lending, including the Reconstruction Finance Corporation." Some months later another dispatch said that the proposal had been attacked by the Corporation as an "excursion into the controversial field of political economy." Of course, no bureau will "consent to death."

Reconstruction Finance Corporation departed from purpose

After the Corporation had enabled many forms of big money to recover their financial balance, it went out through the wide world scattering the savings of the people. Loans were made in South American countries and others for the construction of highways, railroads, and public utilities.

Under the National Defense Clause it lies in the judgment of Congress, the General Manager of the United States, as to whether the preservation of small nations friendly to us and favoring the governmental philosophy for which we stand, warrants the expenditure of American money for the protection of them from subjugation by Communism, the openly avowed and aggressive enemy of capitalism.
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation's Murky History

Paulson & Kyoto:
2006, from some commie greenie site
Goldman Sachs Chairman and latest treasury secretary nominee Henry Paulson endorses Kyoto Protocol

When I heard the news on CNBC about Goldman Sachs Chairman, Henry Paulson, being nominated for Bush’s treasury secretary, I thought nothing of it. Just another big business guy (lemming) that will be hired to do the bidding of the Bush administration. Even when Mark Hanes said Paulson was a nature lover and was often seen birding in Central Park, I had to laugh. What kind of green washing was this? However, when I read that Paulson not only endorses the Kyoto Protocol to limit greenhouse emissions, but argues that the US’s failure to enact Kyoto undermines our competitiveness, I started taking the guy seriously.
2006: Free Market Advocates Ask President Bush Not to Consider Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Henry Paulson for Treasury Secretary

China on Paulson
Even the main goal of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the leader of the pack, is unclear.
JULY 2008:
Here Mr. Paulson talks about how institutions that are in danger of failing should be propped up by the Federal Reserve so that a failing institutions does not endanger larger banks. During this time, a bailout with taxpayers funds will be organized while a large investment bank picks up the failed banks assets for pennies on the dollar. The new blueprint is a gradual progression of banking socialism, with the end goal being the complete nationalization of all financial institutions.
Devaluing the Lehman name, on Wall Street and elsewhere

Paulson urges Quick Approval for "Rescue Plan"

Canada is stepping up its military alertness along its northern frontier in response to Russia's "testing" of its boundaries and recent Arctic grab, the prime minister said Friday.
"We are concerned about not just Russia's claims through the international process, but Russia's testing of Canadian airspace and other indications ... (of) some desire to work outside of the international framework," said Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

MEND attacks another Shell pipeline

Shell & Gazprom

Hudna, African Style:

Nigeria's main militant group MEND has declared a ceasefire, following a week of attacks on oil installations in the country's oil-rich Niger Delta. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend) said it had taken the decision after appeals from tribal leaders in the region. But it warned it would end the truce if attacked by the army again. Mend declared "war" on Nigeria's oil industry last Sunday after a fierce military raid on one of its bases. Groups such as Mend claim to be fighting for greater control over oil wealth in the impoverished Niger Delta, but they are accused of making money from criminal rackets and trade in stolen oil.

LHC shut down for at least 2 months

An Associated Press reporter in Vietnam was punched, choked and hit over the head with a camera by police who detained him Friday while he covered a Catholic prayer vigil in the communist country

Stan Getz ~ Autumn Leaves