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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jackie Mason on Georgia

Jackie makes what in my view are lame excuses for GWB and the Republicrats that I do not accept - and he thinks McCain will provide an answer.... (sigh, the evils of two lessers....) but the rest of what he says is right on, and funny, yet not... all at the same time.

McCain intends to send James Baker to the ME as his representative. He has bought into the Shiah Crescent, correct the Mandate mistakes, rid the region of Jews and Christians, Baker-Bush-Wolfowitz plan.

Luciferians on the march..............

McCain told Haaretz that as president, he would "micromanage" U.S. policy toward Israel and the Palestinians and would dispatch "the smartest guy I know" to the region, presumably to jump-start a new push for a comprehensive accord. Asked who that "smartest guy" might be, McCain responded: "Brent Scowcroft, or James Baker, though I know that you in Israel don't like Baker.


Baker endorses McCain, Baker does not get thrust under Republiwhore Party Bus

MPH and ETA or The Evil of Three Lessers

McCain is no more "our friend" than Obamanable is. Time for intellectually honest people to face that fact, even as they go ahead and vote for him - just please, do not expect anything righteous from him should he win. Ain't gonna happen. Just gotta face the music and dance...only difference between R & D today is MPH and ETA.

YESTERDAY: Russian troops’ uniform are marked with the official symbol of peacekeepers, and the Russian general said his troops will continue to patrol and control Poti.

Just remember kiddies: MFING CONDI SAID it was OK for the PEACEKEEPERS to stay!

Let's Face the Music & Dance by Irving Berlin
Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers in "Follow the Fleet" ~ 1936