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Friday, August 29, 2008

Missing Links: Bordering on Disaster


Holy Moses....I have been deceived!
Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.
~ II Chronicles 20:15-17

Hezbollah downs Lebanese chopper, thought it was Israeli

Egypt to partially open its border with Gaza this weekend

Israel reaches decision not to let Iran go nuclear

Israel arrests Fatah man who was pardoned but 'returned to terror'

but...but.... Fatah are our friends! Abbas is a man of peace!

5 women buried alive "for honor"

ACLU sues over Santa Rosa County school prayers
The goals of the ACLU were clear from the group’s founding, as indicated by the writings of its founder, Roger Baldwin: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class… Communism is the goal"
Putin maps the boundaries of greater Russia

BWAK! US chicken industry awaiting details of Russia ban

Good. More bird for me.

A sick society wallowing in its own vomit

Molly Hatchet
Flirtin' With Disaster

Red Ken Livingstone to become adviser to Hugo Chavez

VIVA ITALIA! Italy Proposes Bill to end all Mosque Construction

Egypt: Police prevent Copts from repairing their church

SIOE is holding a "No sharia here!" demo in London on 9/11

Hamas leader: We'll retrieve Jerusalem only by way of jihad
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said Wednesday that the Islamist group will not accept any future peace agreement that does not include the return of Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley to Palestinians hands and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes in Israel.

Speaking at a ceremony marking 39 years since the fire at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, Haniyeh said "no one can cede Jerusalem, the city from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended to the heavens.

"Jerusalem will be retrieved to the Palestinians not through negotiations or by hugging and kissing the enemy, but by way of jihad, blood, shahids and resistance. With Allah's help, Jerusalem will be returned," he said.
Lucas Catherine conference at Brussels Catholic school: Israel is an apartheid state

Democrat's Biden On his pro-abortion stance: "My Views are Totally Consistent with Catholic Social Doctrine..."

Douglas Kmiec Makes His ‘Catholic Case’ for Obama

Abortion protesters drowned out at women's caucus

Israel-Syria "deal"'?

Israel's suicidal choice

Assad working "post-Georgia" world to his advantage

Brad Sucks ~ Borderline