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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Missing Links in the World of Malkut

Beatles ~ Across the Universe



These are Vessels, and so are you

Eight Year Old Saudi Girl Seeks Divorce

GWB: All religions pray to 'same God'

Senator Biden wants more Iraqis to come to the US, but lies

HEY! Let's let ALL the Muslims in.....

....but screw the Middle Eastern Christians, right?

Subject Archives: Persecution of Christians in the Middle East


The Company that U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison Keeps

Congressman Ellison (center)
with Al-Qaeda web designer Mazen Mokhtar (left)
and "Unindicted Co-Conspirator" Siraj Wahaj (right)

Always Tell The Truth....Sometimes! by Siraj Wahaj

WCC Conference Honors Sophia Goddess, Gives Ovation to Lesbians

WCC: Whores of Commie Churchianity

China's Totalitarian Games

'Israel defiled Al-Aqsa Mosque'
Tens of thousands flock to annual fundraising event held by Islamic Movement in Umm al-Fahm. Movement leader Sheikh Raed Salah delivers fiery speech calling on Arab world to fight 'Israeli occupation of Jerusalem'
Biden revises claim he was "shot at" in Iraq

Russian Forces Still in Georgia, West "Dismayed"

WASHINGTON — Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday that his visit to Georgia, Ukraine and Poland, at Sen. John McCain's behest, persuaded him that the United States and its allies must take tough steps to prevent further Russian military aggression against its smaller neighbors. Graham, a South Carolina Republican, called on NATO to "stop war-gaming on tables in Brussels" and to begin military exercises in Europe to show its commitment to protecting member nations. "I found a Russia on the move, a Russia that is trying to intimidate its neighbors who are Democratic in nature," Graham said. "This (Georgia) conflict is not about a border dispute. It's about the desire by Russia to send a signal to its democratic neighbors that Russia is a dominant power."

Saudis give $100M to the PA

Words that apparently mean nothing to Puig: "Gulag," "Stalinist," and well, "contrarian," since the Gulag or the graveyard is where "contrarians" went in the Soviet Union during Trumbo's lifetime.

Jesus returns to earth as a liberal, like a "Unitarian porn star"

Wallace Black Elk on the Lakotah End of Days
hat tip: DJ Q Burn