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Sunday, June 8, 2008

MPH and ETA or The Evil of Three Lessers

The only difference
Between R & D today Is MPH and ETA ~ BZ

Statement by John McCain on Cinco de Mayo and Announcement of New Spanish Website

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain today issued the following statement on Cinco de Mayo as his campaign announced several new Spanish efforts:

"Cinco de Mayo commemorates an important moment in the history of Mexico's path to freedom. On this day in 1862, a small group of Mexican troops overcame overwhelming force to win the Battle of Puebla. Today, we join together to remember the sacrifice that these Mexican patriots endured, as well as the struggles of all those around the world striving for freedom. We recognize as well the important friendship that exists between our country and Mexico, and celebrate the many contributions Mexican-Americans have made to our society, culture, security and economy."

The Cinco de Mayo statement can now also be found on the Spanish section of the official campaign website at, which the campaign launched today. This part of the website will feature regular updates in Spanish throughout the election.

Finally, as part of his commitment to talking with all Americans during this presidential campaign, the McCain presidential campaign announced that John McCain will attend the La Raza Annual Convention in San Diego on July 14, 2008.

2006: Lou Dobbs National Council of La Raza (The Race)

McCain and the La Raza card

BTW, his relationship with LA RAZA did not begin yesterday - this from 1999

John McCain: La Raza’s voice in Washington
By Michelle Malkin • February 4, 2008

So, I have limited time today but I will go deeper into McCain during the week.

Never mind the bullshit about Jerusalem

As I have already shown you it is the policy of the Bush administration to not recognize Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.

As soon as Obama did his double spoking turn speaking taqiyya, McCain started his.
And people are buying it.

This is the same raft of bullshit handed to us by GWB during his campaign.
Last week he signed the waiver again for the zillionth time.

I bought it from GWB in 2001 too.
But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

NO ONE is going to move that embassy to Jerusalem
in fact GWB has done all he can to be sure Jerusalem is re divided.
all the while saying and portraying himself as a Christian and a friend of Israel.
My ass.

Like I told you last year, Welcome to Baker St. It's Judenrein, Halal!

And no, the fact that McCain is a war hero does not make him immune to examination or criticism and I do not accept any argument in that direction nor will I "lay off" for the good of a political party or out of any misplaced patriotism and respect for the man's service.

Matter of fact all of that is reason to be all the more hard on him.

If indeed the Republican Party gave a rats ass about it's "base" (which it OBVIOUSLY does not)
they would have run someone we could vote for.

Someone viable, someone righteous.

Wait - let me look under the Republiwhore Party Bus for them:
Yup there they are, right next to Hagee and Parsley.

YO! John Bolton!
Wazzup, Norm Coleman!

E Tu, Rick Santorum?

Oh shit it's RUMMY! And Israel!

McCain Obama and Hillary are not really all that far apart on many issues.
It is the presentation and the language that differs is all.

We are headed for a secular socialist NAU construct like Europe here no matter WTF we do at this point. Unfortunately we woke up WAY too late to stop this, the commie boulder is already careening down the far side of the hill.

We will get the same crap from McCain as we will from the other two, it will just be slower and more covert.

MPH and ETA baby.

Only difference.

The WHO ~ The Concert for NYC November 2001
Won't Get Fooled Again

The parting on the left
is now the parting on the right
and their beards have all grown longer overnight.....