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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Icon of Sanctimony

"Obama seems to be stuck on this sci-fi theme... And, stuck on himself"

Obama Warns: "Coastal Cities Will Be Swallowed By the Sea"

We can’t afford more of the same timid politics when the future of our planet is at stake. We are already breaking records with the intensity of our storms, the number of forest fires, and the periods of drought. By 2050, famine could force more than 250 million from their homes. And if we do nothing, sea levels will rise high enough to swallow large portions of every coastal city and town.

Swim for your lives!

Obama seems to be stuck on this sci-fi theme... And, stuck on himself.

His acceptance speech the other night was straight from a corny hollywood flick: "I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations... I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal... This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation..."

Click me, I'm an enlightened being!

Crowd Conformity and the Rise of Obama

David Warren, The Ottawa Citizen

June 07, 2008


Untested and inexperienced, coming from a Chicago wardheel background that does not bear a moment's examination, he is a master of theatrical words and suggestion. Though eloquent and convincing only when speaking from a teleprompter, he has the wit to avoid spontaneous interactions, and the ability to recover, once back in front of his teleprompter, from extraordinary gaffes. "Change we can believe in!" is one of several blank-content slogans that put an almost sexual thrill into his starry-eyed supporters.

Consider this modest remark by Mr. Obama, while receiving the nomination on Tuesday: "I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

It is when such lines are put in cold print, instead of into the mouth of a very fine actor, that the true chill begins to run up one's spine.

Mr. Obama had only 143 days of sessional experience in the U.S. Senate, before his presidential campaign began, so that his positions on most issues cannot be known.

But when he was there, his voting record was farthest left of all 100 senators. Imagine him as president.

"If you ask me, this mau-mau trouble is greatly overrated"


George Harrison ~ Brainwashed

Brainwashed in our childhood
Brainwashed by the school
Brainwashed by our teachers
and brainwashed by their rules

Brainwashed by our leaders
By our Kings and Queens
Brainwashed in the open and brainwashed
behind the scenes

God God God
A voice cried in the wilderness
God God God
it was on the longest night
God God God
An eternity of darkness
God God God
Someone turned out the spiritual light

Brainwashed by the Nikkei
Brainwashed by Dow Jones
Brainwashed by the FTSE
Nasdaq and secure loans
Brainwashed us from Brussels
Brainwashing us in Bonn
Brainwashing us in Washington
Westminster in London

God God God
You are the wisdom that we seek
God God God
The lover that we miss
God God God
Your nature is eternity
God God God
You are Existence, Knowledge, Bliss

The soul does not love, it is love itself
It does not exist, It is existence itself
It does not know, It is knowledge itself
"How to Know God" Page 130

They brainwashed my great uncle
Brainwashed my cousin Bob
They even got my grandma when she was
working for the mob
Brainwash you while you're sleeping
While you're in a traffic jam
Brainwash you while you're weeping
While still a baby in your pram
Brainwashed by the Military
Brainwashed under duress
Brainwashed by the media
You're brainwashed by the press
Brainwashed by computer
Brainwashed by mobile phones
Brainwashed by the satellite
Brainwashed to the bone

God God God
Won't you lead us through this mess
God God God
From the places of concrete
God God God
Nothing's worse than ignorance
God God God
I just won't accept defeat

God God God
Must be something I forgot
God God God
Down on Bullshit Avenue
God God God
If we can only stop the rot
God God God
Wish that you'd brainwash us too

Namah Parvati Pataye Hare Hare Mahadev
Shiva Shiva Shankara Mahadeva
Hare Hare Hare Hare Mahadeva
Namah Parvati Pataye Hare Hare
Shiva Shiva Shankara Mahadeva

Completed by George Harrison's son Dhani and Jeff Lynne (Traveling Wilburys, Cloud Nine) after the ex-Beatle succumbed to a long illness in November 2001, Brainwashed is a bittersweet reminder of the myriad contradictions that made Harrison such a compelling figure. One of the most warm, melodically rich albums in a career pockmarked by personal frankness and professional indifference in its latter years, Harrison finds rewarding ways here to reconcile bitter assessments of the material world (the title track) with more fleshly concerns, as his jaunty take on the Arlen-Koehler chestnut "The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" ably demonstrates. Pushing the singer's distinctive dry voice to the forefront, and with Harrison's trademark slide guitar riffs as sinewy as ever, Lynne's showcase production is mostly spot-on and refreshingly restrained, while Dhani brings his own fresh, touchingly personal insights to the record. He double-tracked his own voice onto an old recording of his father chanting the traditional "Namah Parvati" and appended it as the album's spiritual benediction, a touching reminder that while musicians come and go, music can truly embody their spirit forever.
~ Jerry McCulley