My Way ~ Leningrad Cowboys
Putin: U.S. is a frightening monster
In the Whores of Churchianity department:
Tony Blair's new Faith Foundation adviser -- Rick Warren
Yes that Rick Warren, he of the billion seller books, he who visits Syria,
he who throws anti-obama people out of his church, etc. etc. etc.
/wanders off to fashion a whip and tell her daddy on them
Pay attention Honkies: Obama and the physics of provisional retroactive renunciation
And please, try to clap on the one.
Bootsy on "The One" for your Caucasian edification
Obama would stay in the church if he wasn't running for prez
Obama 2007 video on gutting military
Obama's New Advisor
Communist Goals (1963)

Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowment
on Jewish History and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Book claims Bhutto dealt nuclear secrets to North Korea
Australia ends combat operations in Iraq
The Last Jews of Babylon
Only 8 Jews left in Baghdad (NYT)
The Mideast Won't Change from Within
First Lady?
Woman.......... you ain't even qualified to be last lady
Parallels between EU and Soviet Union
"Nazism just Extreme Capitalism"
/wanders off to tell 3 wood on them
IAEA 'alarmed' by Iranian blueprint for nuclear warhead

Society, Religion, and Violence (The Kurdish Globe)
Bootsy on "The One" for your Caucasian edification
Obama would stay in the church if he wasn't running for prez
Obama 2007 video on gutting military
Obama's New Advisor
Communist Goals (1963)
Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowment
on Jewish History and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Book claims Bhutto dealt nuclear secrets to North Korea
Australia ends combat operations in Iraq
The Last Jews of Babylon
Only 8 Jews left in Baghdad (NYT)
The Mideast Won't Change from Within
First Lady?
Woman.......... you ain't even qualified to be last lady
Parallels between EU and Soviet Union
"Nazism just Extreme Capitalism"
/wanders off to tell 3 wood on them
IAEA 'alarmed' by Iranian blueprint for nuclear warhead
Society, Religion, and Violence (The Kurdish Globe)
Why Britain struggles to assimilate immigrants
Christian converts arrested in Iran
Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" now an OPERA
GOD save us all
Christian converts arrested in Iran
Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" now an OPERA
GOD save us all