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Monday, June 2, 2008

Mondo Monday Missing Linkage

My Way ~ Leningrad Cowboys

Putin: U.S. is a frightening monster

In the Whores of Churchianity department:

Tony Blair's new Faith Foundation adviser -- Rick Warren

Yes that Rick Warren, he of the billion seller books, he who visits Syria,
he who throws anti-obama people out of his church, etc. etc. etc.

/wanders off to fashion a whip and tell her daddy on them

Pay attention Honkies: Obama and the physics of provisional retroactive renunciation

A Confusion of Tongues
Why Britain struggles to assimilate immigrants

Christian converts arrested in Iran

Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" now an OPERA
GOD save us all

A Gaia manual on sexual politics
Great Galloping Gramscian Whores!

WAR ~ Slipping Into Darkness