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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Missing Link in the Land of the Lost

Ernie Kovack's Nairobi Trio


Former screen siren Brigette Bardot convicted in "race case"

Brigitte Bardot was convicted Tuesday of provoking discrimination and racial hatred
for writing that Muslims are destroying France.

Sheena: Land of the Stalking Death!

The foibles of faking faith can be quite the undoing
of a man
who proclaims to be above the low-road politics of deceit:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature,
the heart of a heartless world,
just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation.
It is the opium of the masses.
~ Karl Marx

Obammunism is the Hopium of the Asses.
~ BabbaZee

Turning Up the 'Heat' on Messianic Jews

Darfur atrocities planned by Sudan government: ICC report

Islam: Shari'a-Compliant Finance Becoming Viable Part Of Global Banking


Israel West Bank settlement plan 'contravenes international law'

Killing Jews, on the other hand, apparently breaks no international laws at all.

High Class Arabophilia in the UK

Op-Ed: American Congress to Outlaw Free Speech

It started with a dead dog, escalated into a tit-for-tat tribal war,
and has now reached a grotesque climax
with the exchange of 15 child brides

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hinted after his meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush Wednesday that U.S. action against Iran is imminent. While he avoided saying anything clear and specific on the matter, Olmert did mention a "timetable" and said action would take place before Bush leaves the White House

As good as dead............

Grasping who is Ahmadinejad and where he comes from proves how dangerous this man really is

...possible sabotage operations carried out by terrorist rings
in certain areas of Lebanon

Ahmadinejad also again expressed his apocalyptic vision that tyranny in the world be abolished by the return to earth of the Mahdi, the 12th imam of Shiite Islam, alongside great religious figures including Jesus Christ.
“With the appearance of the promised saviour… and his companions such as Jesus Christ, tyranny will be soon be eradicated in the world.”

Diplobabbling Whoredoms of Doom:
GAZA CITY: Remarks by US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict drew condemnation from both sides of the Palestinian divide yesterday

Spain and the Jews

Everyone Loves Allah

Food Scarcity Creating "New World Order "

World leaders tone down menu at food summit

Food Scarcity Requires New Approach to Water

UK Religious Education Policies violate human rights

A European Viewpoint

Telluride wins right to seize private property

Misgivings on Road to Damascus