MMM gooba thwat!
Me give good link.
Me put link here.
Me link no go missing.
MMMM bway-bway, lakka lakka good!
Islamic love..Brother Stabs 16 Year-Old Sister 20 Times....
Nothing has changed..women are still property to kill at will....
Belly dancers from hell!
CIA goes after President monkey..or so he claims
The Earth is Flat, Thinks Allah
Muhammad fantasized about baby Aisha before soliciting her from her father
..Islamists gain in Kuwait vote, no women elected
Jihad in India
Certain dogs are not barking when it comes to the question of Barack Obama as apostate Muslim. (No, we are not calling anyone a dog, this is an allusion to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, CAIR. Relax.)
Thank God Afghanistan is free....An Afghan journalism student sentenced to death for insulting Islam denied the charges before an appeals court Sunday, saying he only confessed to questioning the religion's treatment of women because he was tortured
PARIS - A three-country police sweep yesterday instigated by France netted 10 people suspected of financing terrorist movements - and threw the spotlight on Al Qaeda-linked militants with roots in Uzbekistan.
This is not clear how supporters of (the US President George W. Bush) and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will answer to all their crimes.