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Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Missing Link-o-Rama

MMMMMM me like Friday. Friday taste good.

Friday on my Mind - The Easybeats

Iran's man in Damascus, Syrian President Bashar Assad has just had the best week of his career as dictator. Everywhere he cast his gaze he was greeted by massive victories. Most were courtesy of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his colleagues in Kadima, the Labor Party and Shas

The latest audio message from al-Qaeda, reportedly from Osama bin Laden himself, is only the most recent confirmation that the jihadist threat to the West remains real and deadly serious. But the fact that it could take the form of nuclear terrorism should be most worrying to citizens and policy makers alike.

Where a nuclear attack once may have been beyond the capacities of stateless terrorists, that is no longer the case. One need only consider Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), mastermind of 9/11 and chief operating officer of al-Qaeda, who revealed under intensive interrogation -- including the much-maligned tactic of waterboarding -- that a nuclear attack against the United States was a top priority for al-Qaeda.

Ali Larijani, Iran's former nuclear negotiator and now a Majlis member, was arguing that the Islamic Republic would pay a heavy price for Ahmadinejad's rejection of three UN Security Council resolutions on nukes. Then the likely Democratic presidential nominee stepped in

Religion of lost children.......Boy, 12, Beheads Man In Al Qaeda Video there is a special place in hell for those that abuse a child..

US-BASED Human Rights Watch has slammed a Saudi Arabian court decision to drop charges against an employer accused of abusing an Indonesian maid so severely she lost her fingers and toes

..Muslim fanatics radicalised mentally ill convert into becoming a 'nail bomber'

Mohammads religion......... A MAN smashed his housemaid's head into a metal headboard and then strangled her because she refused to take off her clothes, a court heard. The 21-year-old Bahraini is now on trial for murder after allegedly killing the Ethiopian woman, aged 28, in his bedroom on February 31.
He locked her inside his room while she was cleaning it and asked her to strip, the High Criminal Court heard. However, he allegedly hit her when she refused and knocked her onto his bed before trying to force off her clothes.

ALGIERS, MAY 21 - For the first time in Algeria a trial against an Algerian woman converted to Christianity was launched yesterday in Tiaret. The woman was accused of having “practised a non-Muslim prayer without authorisation”

Lets see: Rosie O’Donnell said that Christian Fundamentalists are just as bad as Muslim Fundamentalists. So as a Christian Fundamentalist, I may greatly offend Rosie by telling her (as lovingly as I can) that homosexuality runs contrary to what her creator has commanded. As such, if she does not repent, she will eventually face His judgment for her rejection of Him in this regard. On the other hand, in Gambia, the Muslims will just chop her head off in public. Offensive words - Chop your head off. Which one seems worse to you? I wonder if the world will ever see an American (Muslim) President enacting such measures?

..FBI's Counterterror Staff Falls to 62%

Then the coup de grace: “The person who has the most delegates becomes the nominee of the party. It’s not been about the popular vote.”

Pelosi had better invest in a food taster.

Hillary’s forward march depends almost totally on winning a popular vote victory after she creams Barack Obama in Puerto Rico on June 1.

When asked about the possibility of Hillary appearing on the ticket as Obama’s running mate, Pelosi sunk the knife in deeper: “In all honesty,” she said, “I do think it’s not likely.”

Thankful to Jihadists for Murdering, Enslaving and Raping Them

..The Quranic Sharia Laws

Pastor John Hagee (watch all 5)

Pastor Rod Parsley (watch all 4)

Jesus Freak - DC Talk