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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Indeterminate Man of Murky Origins and his explosives seized at Swedish nuclear plant

Man Arrested With Explosives at Swedish Nuclear Plant

A nuclear plant in Sweden was sealed off Wednesday after a worker was stopped at its entrance with a highly explosive substance, police said.

Sven-Erik Karlsson, spokesman for Kalmar County Police, said investigators were questioning the man, a welder who was scheduled to work at the plant.

Karlsson said the man carried a plastic bag with an explosive substance as he tried to enter the Oskarshamn nuclear plant on the country's southeast coast.

He said police received a call from the facility at 7:58 a.m. local time.

"They told us a welder who was going to perform a job there had been stopped in a random security check. He had been carrying small amounts of the highly explosive material TATP," Karlsson said.

TATP, or triacetone triperoxide, is a high explosive which is extremely unstable, especially when subjected to heat, friction and shock. It is more powerful than dynamite. It has been employed by suicide bombers in Israel and by Richard Reid, the thwarted British "shoebomber" who attempted to blow up a transatlantic airliner in 2001.

Karlsson said police have set up a security perimeter with a 985-feet radius around the plant. He says workers already inside were not evacuated and the plant was operating normally.

State energy firm Vattenfall, which does not run the Oskarshamn nuclear plant but is the main nuclear supplier in Sweden, earlier said it had received word of a bomb threat at the plant.

Update from the Missing Link:

A little more on the post......

A welder passing a security check point at the Oskarshamn nuclear power plant in Sweden was stopped and found to have the highly unstable explosive TATP, or triacetone triperoxide in his possession.

TATP, also known as "The Mother of Satan" for its lethal instability, is a favorite among Islamic terrorists.

There is no legitimate purpose for anyone to have the homemade explosive, much less than to have it at a nuclear facility. The identity as well as the motives of the worker remain unknown at this time.