In Search Of... The Missing Link!
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you
that I have set before you life and death,
blessings and curses.
Now choose life,
so that you and your children may live
~Deuteronomy 30:19
Women are not to be seen or heard...Islam hates chattel that talks............
In the new park, called "Mothers' Paradise," women can walk, jog, and engage in other athletic activities without having to cover their heads. Men can reportedly not see inside the park since it is surrounded by green walls and covered by bright-colored materials.
Pakistan: After Christian Man Refuses to Convert to Islam, Muslims Threaten to Burn him Alive, Stone his Family to Death...
"Talking without preconditions" would require America to ignore three unanimous Security Council resolutions. Before starting his unconditional talks, would Obama present a new resolution at the Security Council to cancel the three that Ahmadinejad doesn't like? Or would the new US president act in defiance of the United Nations - further weakening the Security Council's authority? ...
Beirut's death struggle ends amid a sea of Western indifference and U.N. incompetence. A deal struck Wednesday in Qatar gives Hezbollah the control it seeks. Welcome to Hezbollahstan.
Asked to remove terrorist groups' videos from YouTube, Google insists on keeping "nonviolent" terrorist content — whatever that is. It has become a useful idiot for Islamofascism
Nakba: A lucrative extortion business opportunity for Palestinians
Muhammad massacred, beheaded, tortured, terrorized, raped, and looted in the name of God. Described below are three of his massacres and a partial listing of his sex-slaves from the Muslim holy books and Islamic writings
Islamist Chickens Roosting in America`s Backyard
An Algerian woman could face up to three years in prison for converting from Islam to Christianity
Irena Sendler, a Polish woman who saved 2,500 Jewish children during Holocaust died last week at the age of 98. Here she describes, in her own words, why she was willing to risk her own life in doing so
Muslim woman loves child to death
Dozens of heavily armed gunmen kidnapped two Italian aid workers and their Somali colleague in southern Somalia on Wednesday in what a government official described as a "terrorist act." (Ya think?)
Testimony of Pastor David Ortiz
Something Wicked This Way Comes & Always Will
"We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you."
– Hussein Massawi, Hezbollah