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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saved By The Bell

Then Jesus said to him,
 “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”
John 5

And he woke up. 
He probably thought he had to go on stage.

This is my swan song. 
Whatever I do now, I do it well.
This is my swan song. 
I fell in love with you I love you well.
And if the Lord provides the music 
for the world around to sing,
My love will build a castle in the air.
This is my last chance, 
a chance to show the world that I am strong.
This is my last dance.
 I'm walking off the floor where I belong.
And if the Lord provides the music 
for the world around to sing,
My love will build a castle in the air.
And if the Lord provides the music
 for the world around to sing,
My love will build a castle in the air.
This is my swan song.
 I fell in love with you , 
I love you well,
I love you well,
 I love you well.
'He opened his eyes and said hello'  

Don't Cry Alone
From Robin's new album

"Don't Cry Alone was composed especially for the occasion and was played by record since Robin was unable to attend. It was written and inspired by, a husband is taken by the sea, and with all the power of his soul he calls out to his wife not to cry alone. He reassures her that his spirit will always guide her and their children, and begs that she never doubt him. He is only a whisper away. She only has to think of him and he will be there. She need never cry alone again," explained Mrs. Gibb, who has taken some inspiration from the music.