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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Tractor? No. Why would I want to find her?

Norway reps met with Hamas in Gaza
Uff Da ya MFers.
A Norwegian defense official met with Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip about a prisoner exchange deal with Israel, the state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua reported yesterday. Last week, the efforts of a German mediator in the talks were confirmed by sources within Hamas and the Egyptian government.
Israel cancels meeting with Norwegian special envoy
Norway tried their best to force a Tamil Tiger terror state on the Sri Lankan Government. Now Israel have cancelled a meeting with the same special envoy, who now tries to help Hamas to get their terrorists released from prison.
Arab 'priests' nearly lynch Jewish man in Jerusalem
A group of young Arab men wearing the robes of novice Orthodox Christian priests attempted to lynch a Jewish man walking through Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday. The victim told Israel National News that as he passed the men, one of them asked if he spoke Hebrew. When the man answered yes, the robed man punched him in the face causing him to bleed profusely.

Medics later said that judging by the wounds, the assailant must have hit the victim with a sharp object. As the bleeding Jewish man tried to escape, the robed men began to kick him. Just as he thought the lynch may end with him losing his life, a passing group of Jews chased off the robed attacker and took the bleeding victim to a nearby police station. Police officials said the attack was caught on security cameras positioned throughout the Old City, and that they are working to identify the attackers.
PNC Suggests Adding Seats For Hamas, Factions
Bring on the Comfy Chairs!
In an attempt to resolve the internal Palestinian crisis, Palestinian National Council chairman Salim Al-Zaanoun proposed a new initiative, under which the council would add seats for Hamas and the other Palestinian factions. He said that this was the "final card" in ending the Palestinian schism.

Israeli official doubts Syria's clout on Hezbollah
He is right to doubt...Hez'b'Allah is now a part of the Lebanese government proper so give us a freaking break about your "clout", oh Chinless One.

Syria urges global powers to put pressure on Israel

Glow Ball puts any more pressure on Israel it's gonna turn into a diamond right before your very eyes.

Israeli PM, Egyptian President to Meet Next Week

Syria Blocking Nuclear Probe, Says IAEA Chief

Hamas, Fatah set to sign reconciliation accord by 2010
Yah OK. We shall see.

Hamas and Fatah Refuse to Teach Holocaust to Palestinian Kids
Reconciliation Akbar!

Fatah aided al-Qaeda's efforts against Hamas

Fatah delegation to arrive in Gaza for renewed talks with Hamas

Bibi made secret Russian trip over Iran?
Israel's prime minister stole away to Moscow this week to discuss Russian arms sales to arch-foes Iran and Syria, a report said on Wednesday amid speculation over the premier's mysterious disappearance.Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow on Monday, the respected mass-selling Yediot Aharonot daily said, citing anonymous sources.Asked to comment on the report, Netanyahu's office reiterated that the premier had spent Monday at the headquarters of the Mossad foreign intelligence agency.Spokesmen for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the two leaders did not meet Netanyahu on Monday, but did not explicitly deny that the visit took place.
Tony Blair's speech & video, London seminar, Faith & Development
Unfuckin' real, yet so very predictable.
Douglas Alexander, Tariq Ramadan, Ken Costa and senior advisor to the World Bank Katherine Marshall will be joining a prestigious line up of academics, development workers, journalists, and government, business and faith leaders
Sudanese pants ruling points to larger issues

Although Sudanese journalist Lubna Hussein has been freed from custody for the crime of wearing pants in public, she was nevertheless fined $200, although she was not subjected to 40 lashes, which was the initial punishment suggested.

In case it was not immediately obvious, Sudan is ruled partially under the terms of sharia or Islamic religious law. There are several schools of thought that constitute the philosophy and application of sharia. Sudanese leaders apply a more fundamentalist form.

Partial Recount Ordered as Tally Gives Karzai 54%

Evidence of fraud as Hamid Karzai passes threshold in Afghan poll

Hamid Karzai's tainted victory in Afghanistan

Afghan war reaches a tipping point
... NATO's future role as a global political organization and the "unfinished business" of the Cold War, as well as about defining the new world order. ...
Pakistani Scientist Cites Help to Iran
The creator of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program boasted in a recent television interview that he and other senior Pakistani officials, eager to see Iran develop nuclear weapons, years ago guided that country to a proven network of suppliers and helped advance its covert efforts.
Gates: Arab World Should Unite to Counter Iran Threat
Ucccchh with this guy's freaking persuasions already.
In an interview with the Arabic network Al-Jazeera released Tuesday, Gates says if Iran proceeds with its nuclear program, it could potentially spark a nuclear arms race in the entire region. But he says one way to get the Iranians to change their approach on the nuclear issue is to persuade them that developing atomic weapons will jeopardize their security, not enhance it.
All four Jewish movements join on Iran statement
Now there's a miracle right there, getting all these Jews to agree. LOL!
Nine rabbinic and congregational organizations, representing all four streams of Judaism, have teamed up for a joint statement calling upon American Jews "to make Iran a matter of the highest urgency." The statement urges the U.S. to "take the lead in increasing economic and diplomatic pressure on the Iranian regime" and provides "Eight Actions to Stop a Nuclear Iran," including bringing it up in interfaith discussions and displaying signage at synagogues and other Jewish institutions urging the prevention of a nuclear Iran.

It is signed by the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, the National Council of Young Israel, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Rabbinical Council of America, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, the Union for Reform Judaism, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
Rabbinic and Synagogue Organizations Against a Nuclear Iran. The full statement is after the jump...
Iran Raids Offices of Election Challengers Mousavi, Karrubi

Iran dismisses rapid release of detained Americans
This will become a propaganda show at the appropriate time just like Clinton and the Nork chicks, in order to demonstrate Iran's moderate "friendliness" and magnanimous willingness to negotiate.

Iran police warn opposition before Quds Day
TEHRAN — Iran's police chief warned the opposition on Tuesday against using an annual pro-Palestinian march to stage protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the official IRNA news agency reported."The Quds Day (march), which is to express support for oppressed Palestinians and condemn occupiers, should not be tainted for political purposes," Esmail Ahmadi Moghadam said."Derailing Quds Day would be added to the fraud folder for showing the true colours of those who direct this view," he said in apparent warning to leaders of the opposition, who charge that Ahmadinejad's June re-election was rigged.

Obama won't take sides on Iran turmoil


This is a follow up piece to my initial report titled CHINA AND THE BUZZ OF A PENDING BANK DEFAULT. I want to thank everyone for the tremendous response that piece received. First and foremost, today’s latest news on this topic reiterates the views by many that China is not fooling around with regards to their threats to walk away from the derivatives contracts.

POLITICS: With Pipelines, China's Footprint in Burma Expands

Energy Metals's Board Backs Takeover by China Uranium

TIMELINE: China car makers eye global brands
Tick Tock, Stupid Gwylo!

CNPC Ends Takeover Bid as Libya Balks Over Deal

Russia Lambastes Reports Ship Had Missiles For Iran
Mwhaha I am called Vlad, Master Lambaster! Say my name!

Putin Pursuing Stalinism Not Authoritarian Modernization, Pavlova Says
Good old Uncle Joe.

Russia closes Microsoft antitrust probe over Windows XP

Russia urges tougher US-led action on Afghan drugs

They shoot up because Vlad is bad.
High drug use among Russia's youth is a threat to national security, President Dmitry Medvedev said.
Russia opposes sanctions against Iran

Gazprom boosts eastern Russia investment

Russia Ramps Up Oil Exports as OPEC Cuts Back

Putin touts Russia's oil reserves; seeks funding

Clan Wars Ramping Up Over Gazprom
Putin's new willingness to suddenly meet Ukrainian gas needs is in direct contrast to Medvedev's new anti-Ukrainian hard line and seems to be part of Putin's counter-attack in order to preserve the Gazprom Empire for himself and his clan of siloviki.
The Putin-Medvedev Brawl over Gazprom
Silly proples. Good Czar, bad Czar, it's very old game.

Condé Nast accused of journalistic cowardice over anti-Putin article

SPDS is real and most people do not want to die.

On Holiday With Berlusconi, Putin and Kim Jong-il
For the launch or tripwolf 2.0, the tripwolf team has put together the summer itineraries of prominent politicians -- with a little twist. Find out where Silvio Berlusconi, Nicolas Sarkozy or The Obamas spent their time off in summer 2009!
Three forces aimed to shuffling Azerbaijan

“We have already marked there were threatening forces in Azerbaijan. So who are they? The primary and main source of threat is Armenia, who keeps under its control our territories for years and it tries to hold terrorist attacks in Baku as opportunity offers. The act of terrorism happened in 1994 in Baku tube confirms that Armenia is not going to give up its black intentions."

The second source Wahhabis are, who, according to the author, are the actual and real threat. The explosions in “Abu Behr” mosque confirmed clearly it was impossible to look at this religious movement “through fingers” and they are actually potential terrorists.

Our society is well aware of the bloody events committed by Wahhabis in Chechnya and Palestine as well as of financing and patronage of these forces from the radical religious structures of a number of Arab countries. Now these well-known scenarios are planned in Azerbaijan. Therefore official Baku should take some measures aimed at preventing the implementation of the threats, considering that U.S. itself, one of the superpowers, became the victim terrorist attacks.

The third force, according to analyst, is radical Shiite militias, supported and financed by Iran. The head of these forces is Hezbollah, which has already proved it has got solid base of support in Azerbaijan. “Saeed’s group” itself clearly demonstrated that Iran still keeps Azerbaijan to be shot and doe not shy even of acts of terror,” it is posted on website “Polygon”.

UAE President, VP greet President of Tajikistan on National Day

Syrian President al-Assad Congratulates Democratic Republic of Korea and Tajikistan

India's Patil chief guest at Tajikistan I-Day celebrations


Chavez proposes Turkmenistan join OPEC-like organization

Turkmenistan has no interest in joining a gas organization, even if it includes Iran and Russia....
New head of aviation enterprise appointed in Turkmenistan

Caspian Sea states shut Tehran out of summit
Iran is peeved at its northern neighbors over a decision to exclude the Islamic Republic from a meeting of Caspian Sea states on Thursday. Iran's top diplomat, Manouchehr Mottaki, said today he was outraged that Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan plan to meet in the Kazakh city of Aktau without Iran, according to the website of Iran's state-owned English-language Press TV satellite news channel.

"In our view the meeting runs contrary to Iran's national interests," Mottaki said. Iran has stewed for years as Russia and its former Soviet satellite states gobble up more and more of the Caspian Sea's resources. The four countries attending the Aktau meeting, described as an "informal" summit to discuss "subregional cooperation," say they don't plan to make any decisions on the status of the sea or the division of the seabed, an official representative of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry told Azerbaijan's Trend news agency.
Iran alarmed of exclusion in Caspian sea summit

Tallinn Estonia in search of strategic partner in Kazakhstan

Schroder, Cheney and Miller confirmed participation in Kazakhstan Energy Week
Astana. September 7. Kazakhstan Today - Ex-Federal Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schroder, ex-Vice President of the United States, Richard Cheney, and the chairman of the board of Open Society Gazprom, Alexey Miller, confirmed their participation in Kazakhstan Energy Week. Vice Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan, Aset Magauov, informed at the press conference in Astana, the agency reports. "The guests of honor, such as Gerhard Schroder, Richard Cheney, and Alexey Miller confirmed their participation," A. Magauov informed.

The forum participants will discuss possible risks in realization of investment projects, the important questions in energy sphere, and the questions of taxation and recycling of sulphur. Kazakhstan Energy Week will pass in Astana on September 21-25, 2009.
Kazakhstan: Lenin: More Alive Than All the Living

Two similar messages have entered the Kazakh blogosphere from opposite ends of the country. They both talk about the revival of one symbol of a bygone era: head-and-shoulders statues of Lenin. What motivates people to turn to the image of the leader of the international proletariat? Nostalgia, perhaps? Tormozz witnessed [ru] an amazing scene unfold as he traveled across Kazakhstan, where he visited the city of Aralsk, specifically the gas station, and there…

“And there was Vladimir Ilyich, hanging in a noose!"

An Uzbek human rights activist is missing after being detained by uniformed and plainclothes police officers.Gaibullo Jalilov, a member of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU), was last seen as he was bundled into a car in the city of Karshi on the evening of September 5. Police deny any involvement in his disappearance, or knowledge of his current whereabouts, the opposition news site reported.

Jalilov’s colleagues speculate his disappearance may be related to a spate of arrests following a shootout in Tashkent on August 29. "If we proceed from the [usual] practices of law enforcement agencies in Uzbekistan, under the guise of combating terrorism they might well accuse Gaibullo Jalilov of committing crimes against Uzbekistan," Talib Yakubov, the former president of HRSU, said on September 7.Alternatively, Jalilov’s fate may be linked to the recent release of human rights defenders under the annual Independence Day amnesty. "The Uzbek authorities are always trying to keep a certain number of dissidents in prison, as soon as they release one, they immediately compensate for the ’loss’ by taking a new victim," the report quoted Yakubov as saying.

The bicycle diaries: fear and loathing in Tashkent

Kyrgyzstan - leading reformer in East Europe, Central Asia

HAHAHAHA! I do not think the word means what people think it means... RE-FORM.... OK, re-form... but the word does not specify INTO WHAT.
Kyrgyzstan is leading reformer in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the World Bank says...
Kyrgyzstan clamps down on religious education

KYRGYZSTAN: Highhandedness Radicalising Women

Oil Trades Near $71 as Dollar Declines, China Plans Stockpiles

US Stocks Rise a Third Day as Gold Tops $1000, Dollar Falls

The Beginning of the Gold Era
Most people refer to the current gold bull market as a repeat of the 1970s. This is true since there are many similarities of price movement between the two. From the chart above, we can see five major levels since almost 40 years ago from the early 1970s, after the U.S. government abandoned the gold standard of fixing gold at $35/oz. Let us review them one by one.
Brazilian Stocks Gain on Commodity Advance, Economic Recovery
BRICs AKBAR, Proples!
Brazilian homebuilders rallied after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. boosted its share-price estimates for the companies...
Investing in BRICS emerging markets

Leading Indicators: Key Economies and the BRICs

Emerging-Market Stocks Rise to 1-Year High; Russia, China Gain

AIG Auditions Sachs, Citi to Manage IPO
Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, UBS AGand Deutsche Bank are reportedly among the names to be interviewed for the job.
Reserve Bank on mission to take banking to villages
Onus upon the golden anus...
Onus of providing stimulus now on Reserve Bank: Goldman Sachs.
Wall Street Gains As Oil Rallies, Chevron Jumps

Most Asian Stocks Rise as Oil, Metals Prices Climb

Contractor heads to Wall Street with IPO filing

Who’s afraid of a shaky economy? Not the executives at Global Defense Technology & Systems Inc., who filed today to take their company public.
Tasty fees for bankers in Kraft, Cadbury
Behead those that mess with Akak's chocolate!

Entergy CEO rakes in $54M in 3 years
Glorious Obamanable Pay Czar will Seize that shit soon enough, Mr. Capitalist Pig. You will see.

Bankers sue in Britain for 30 million pounds in unpaid bonuses

BofA Accused Of 'Hindering' Investigation
Absurd! Hindering? Unheard of!

Smithfield Foods CEO Sees Hog Sector 'Inflection'

Stiglitz Says a New US Recession Won't Spread to Europe, Asia

A year after financial crisis, a new world order emerges

There's that freaking phrase again you loon.

American Muslims Eight Years After 9/11
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) National Executive Director Kareem Shora has been appointed a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Board....
FCC adds smart grid, teleworking to broadband shopping list

FCC releases emergency-preparedness report

Texas: 'Fusion center' meets criticism from local ACLU

What US Homeland Security collects about you
Any time a person crosses the US border, the Department of Homeland Security assigns travelers with a "risk assessment" score to divine their likelihood of any involvement with a terrorist cell or criminal activity. That score is calculated by feeding a large volume of personal information into an automated system (rather imposingly) called the "Automated Targeting System," or ATS. But what sensitive dirt the DHS stores about the average person isn't generally known.

US Girl Scouts prepare for war, pestilence
The United States wants to enlist its 3.4 million Girl Scouts in the effort to combat hurricanes, pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters.The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a campaign Tuesday to entice the blue, brown and green-clad multitudes to be even more prepared, with the promise of a new patch if they pitch in. The young scouts will be able to emblazon their sashes or vests with the patch if they undergo the training which readies them for an emergency."

This new preparedness patch will increase citizen preparedness and enhance our country's readiness for disasters," said DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano in a statement."As a former Girl Scout, I know the 'Be Prepared' motto well, and I look forward to working with the Girl Scouts to spread the preparedness message to all of our nation's citizens."The move is part of a month-long government effort to make Americans better able to cope with natural and man-made disasters.
Napolitano touts Girl Scout preparedness patch
Bruno wants your cookies.

DHS Wants Your Input (Sort of)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are now on the list.

Outrage shows growing distrust of President
Silly headline. Outrage is never a sign of trust. LOL.

House Anti-'Czar' Bill Gets 35 GOP Sponsors, May Get 35 More Today

When Is a Czar Not a Czar?

King Calls For Abortion Investigation By Department Of Justice
The niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. is calling for the Obama administration to investigate the racist implications of abortion.

Obama gets 'fired up' before union
Before a boisterous, enthusiastic crowd, Obama gave a campaign-style speech in which he spoke about the contributions of the labor movement, the economy and his own agenda.
Hounding Honduras
Si, Senor....
Would the Obama administration prefer a full-blown military dictatorship take power?
Controversy Surrounds Frontrunner in Race to Head Major UN Agency
A major United Nations agency will choose a new director-general in the coming days, and although promoting freedom of expression is among its key functions, the leading candidate is backed by some of the world’s most repressive governments.

The new head of the Paris-based U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an agency that gets 22 percent of its regular $600 million-plus annual budget from U.S. taxpayers, will be selected in a process that involves behind-closed-doors interviewing and a secret ballot vote.

Farouk Hosni, who has been Egypt’s culture minister for more than two decades, leads a nine-strong field of hopefuls. He leads largely because he has the backing of the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the African Union, and because Arab governments say it is the Arab world’s turn.
E-Verify Requirements Become Law

Feds to start immigration crackdown on contractors

CACI Awarded $50 Million Prime Contract to Support US Army RDECOM

Victor Davis Hanson: Once Upon a Time . . .Whatever happened to the old Barack Obama?
But having been elected, President Obama sensed that, just maybe, the United States was part of the problem rather than the solution. So he shunned Israel and warmed up to Syria and the Palestinians. He cut off relations with Honduras. He ignored our ally Colombia while reaching out to Castro, Chavez, and Ortega. Putin’s Russia received more deference than did most of Russia’s old vassals in Eastern Europe. The British were snubbed in gratuitous fashion.

When hundreds of thousands of Iranian dissidents went out in the streets to protest their theocracy’s rigged voting, Obama voted present — or perhaps accepted beforehand that the reformers would fail. After all, dealing with a lunatic revolutionary Iranian government would showcase far better his own singular multicultural finesse.
Pentagon Checks Arsenal in Race for Nuclear Treaty

Nuclear-free world ultimate aim of new cross-party pressure group

A cross-party group of ex-ministers and former generals will be launched next month to push for global nuclear disarmament.

The group, chaired by a former defence secretary, Des Browne, will seek to rally European support for a US-led initiative to work towards the abolition of nuclear weapons through radical, co-ordinated cuts in the arsenals of existing nuclear states, in an effort to persuade emerging powers to forgo such weapons.

The nuclear non-proliferation treaty is up for review next May, at a time when it is in danger of falling apart under pressure from aspiring nuclear states such as Iran, North Korea and their regional neighbours. Hopes of strengthening the treaty have been bolstered by the election of Barack Obama and initial progress in bilateral disarmament talks between the US and Russia.

"There is a window of opportunity, but it is a limited window of opportunity," Browne said. "It's a big opportunity for nuclear weapons states … to make a contribution to improving the confidence the rest of the world has in the non-proliferation treaty."

Hollywood goes nuts over Chavez in Venice
Yeah well what did you expect, they were nuts before he got there.

Immigration Official to Run New York's Jails

Summary Report of the Review of US Human Space Flight Plans Committee
To da moon, Obamanable! Thar's uranium in them thar hills!

Underfunding shackles NASA vision
Chief Scientist! GOD SAVE US!
President Obama will consult his new Nasa Administrator Charles Bolden and chief scientist John Holdren before responding.

President Obama's science advisor, protrait of a moon bat.
Cameco Suffers Strike Action at Uranium Fuel Manufacturing Plant

Strateco Starts 2000 Meter Drill Program on Pacific Bay Uranium
The Otish Mountains remains one of Canada's premier locations to explore for high-grade uranium
Uranium Mine Threatens Grand Canyon's Endangered Species
Humans included!

State offers potassium iodide tablets to people near nuke plants

Big Oil's Stain in the Amazon

Never let a good crisis go to waste, the Marxists are using this to advance their cause:
“Crude,” in other words, investigates the local manifestations — cancer, contaminated water, cultural degradation — of a global problem. It also, more by what it shows than what it says, suggests that such a distinction is no longer tenable. Multinational corporations (like Chevron, this film’s designated villain) move money and commodities from one place to another, often with slight regard for the sovereignty or customs of any place in particular. And so the lawyers and activists who oppose these conglomerates have tried to become equally mobile and adaptable, moving continually in the zigzagging paths traced by transnational capitalism.

NIGERIA: Chevron's profit before tax for Q2 more than doubles to NGN 1bn

AIR Worldwide Updates its Mediterranean Region Earthquake Model
Outlook not so good on magic glow ball.
"The Mediterranean region is capable of producing very large earthquakes," said Dr. Milan Simic, Managing Director, AIR Worldwide Ltd. "A recent example is the magnitude 7.5 earthquake that struck Izmit, Turkey in 1999, which ruptured more than 150 kilometers (93 mi) of the North Anatolian Fault from Düzce all the way to the Sea of Marmara. The temblor cut a swath of destruction across seven provinces, from Istanbul to Bolu. AIR estimates that a recurrence of the Izmit earthquake would produce insured losses on the order of €7.5 billion (10.7 billion USD), while total damage would exceed €27 billion (38 billion USD)."

Why we are all going to hell:
Transgender Bible Stories