Revolutionary Etude
Op.10 #12 in C minor
The étude appeared around the same time as the November Uprising in 1831. Chopin was unable to have a strong participating role because of his poor health, and allegedly he poured his emotions on the matter into many pieces that he composed at that time - the Revolutionary Étude standing out as the most famous example. Upon conclusion of Poland's failed revolution against Russia, Chopin cried "All this has caused me much pain. Who could have foreseen it!"
November Revolt in Polish Lands of Russia 1830-1831

Into your hands he has placed mankind
and the beasts of the field
and the birds of the air.
Wherever they live,
he has made you ruler over them all.
You are that head of gold.
~ Daniel 2:38
and the beasts of the field
and the birds of the air.
Wherever they live,
he has made you ruler over them all.
You are that head of gold.
~ Daniel 2:38