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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Missing Links: The Wrath of My Bombast

Iron Maiden ~ Wrathchild

Iraqis led by Mookie stage massive anti-US rally

Sadr urges Iraqi MPs to reject US security pact

MAY 2007: Republiwhore compliciots and the rapid dhimmise of Western Civilization

U.S. Resurrects Afghan Air Force It Once Helped Destroy

Iran's army air force begins military exercise

Jordan ambassador takes up Baghdad post

Iran Begins Regular Flights to Iraq

Russia to ship equipment to finish Iranian nuclear plant

Military officials clarifying Gen. Odierno’s claim about Iran

China To Help Pakistan Build 2 Nuke Plants

China blocks new Iran sanctions talks

Venezuela in talks to buy Russian tanks


The summit called for a revamp of the global financial system to prevent the recurrence of the current financial crisis, pushing for a global summit by the end of this year, said French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also current EU President. He said he would invite U.S. President George W. Bush to the summit this weekend and would also invite leaders of the emerging economies, such as China and India, to take part in the refounding the world financial system.

Tovarich Bush, Socialist

Koom Bah Humbug, ya MFers: Bush to meet Sarkozy, EU leader on reforms

French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Arabic the "language of the future, of science and of modernity,"
and expressed the hope that "more French people share in the language that expresses great civilizational and spiritual values."

India invokes new code of business for deals with Israel

Funeral of Austrian not so Crypto-Nazi draws thousands

European Fascism again on the rise

Grigory Pasko: Rascism in Russia

Russia's tallest volcano erupts

Belarus blasts NATO after EU concessions

Russia extends its ABM system to Belarus

New British ambassador to Russia takes office

Russia's next revolution has started - at the bank

Serbia expects to dance at the GazProm by year-end

Gazprom considers new gas pipeline via Romania

Naftogaz (Ukraine) to ink a contract with Gazprom

Gazprom deputy chief triples stake in gas giant

Gazprom officials discuss Alaskan projects

UN court throws out Georgian claim against Russia
Naturally! Europe needs gas.

Russia rouble not at risk of sharp weakening
Naturally! Europe needs gas!

Bad Vlad to buy good stocks, bonds

UN Security Council Seats: Japan over Iran, Turkey & Austria Over Iceland

Q&A: Czar Paulson on the Bank Initiative

The World According to TARP

Questioning the New Republic of Goldman Sachs

Soon we nationalize you too: Goldman Sachs cuts US auto sales estimates

Goldman Sachs suggests easy credit policy, tight fiscal policy

Goldman Says Sell BP, Buy Shell on Cash-Flow Growth Forecast


Got 55 Million? You can live like a Goldman Sachs Man!

Don Paulson made them an offer they couldn't refuse

Chevron: Unfazed by crisis

OPEC may take action to prop up plunging oil prices

Opec's weakest must bow to will of the Saudis

AIG Agrees to Withhold $10 Million From CFO Bensinger
Mighty white of them

A passenger was arrested at Long Island's MacArthur Airport Thursday after officials found a potential "improvised explosive device" and other suspicious items in his luggage

Term Limits: Who’s For, Who’s Against

Bid launched to build Scotland's first mosque

First mosque opens in Germany's ex-communist east

Queens Temple Reborn as Mosque

Georgia: Marietta mosque to reapply for permit

Muslim terrorists seek OIC, UN help

OIC: ‘Islamophobia’ is the threat to global peace

OIC standing committee to convene in Turkey's Istanbul

Be Afraid: OIC Finalising Action Plan for Womens Empowerment

6.5 on Mexican/Guatemalan Border

5.8 in Eastern New Guinea

The Fall ~ My Bombast