Holger Czukay ~ Oh Lord, Give Us More Money

Buyout bosses gather in Dubai as crisis continues
A master plan for China to bail out America
Thomas Jefferson on Bankers
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1802

George Soros' Plan
Asia braces for crisis to hit despite EU, U.S. moves
Australian Glowballists say: A Flexible G-14 is the key to our future
We should consider a new steering group - including Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the present G-7 - that meets regularly, with active formal and informal dialogues. The new steering group should not just replace the G-7 with a fixed-number G-14. We must not use old world methods to remake the new. The steering group should evolve to fit changing circumstances. We need this new network so that global problems are not just mopped up after the fact, but anticipated. The steering group will still need to work through established international institutions, but the core group will increase the likelihood that countries draw together to address problems larger than any one state.
Just as the financial crisis has been international because of interconnectedness, the reforms will need to be multilateral. Whether through an expanded Financial Stability Forum with the International Monetary Fund or the steering group, these financial supervisory issues will need to be addressed in a broader multilateral context.
The new multilateral network must also interconnect energy and climate change. World energy markets are a mess. We need a global bargain among main producers and consumers of energy. There could be a common interest in managing a price range that reconciles interests while transitioning towards lower carbon growth strategies, a broader portfolio of supplies and greater international security.

WSJ: The Government Is Contributing to the Panic
Naturally! They must break you!
How Congress set the stage for the meltdown
Royal Bank of Scotland under state control
Economic woes, commodity slump could hit Islamic banks
Great Britain and the EU member states have decided on a synchronized approach to the financial crisis
The European Union has temporarily lifted a travel ban on the president of Belarus
a country regarded as Europe's last dictatorship

EU divided over resuming talks with Russia
GAZPROM in Canada
GAZPROM in France
GAZPROM in Brazil
Vladimir Putin, Russia's $6.7B Investor
Goldman Sachs Lowers Crude Oil Price Forecasts for 2008, 2009
Iraq: biggest sale ever of oil assets
Another Sham Election In Chechnya

Sharia Law "inevitable" in Uganda
World Bank happy to help fund the Islamic takeover of Africa
Somalian jihadists gun down local military commander
The National Enquirer broke the Edwards thing, so why not this too?
Smith College Editor: 'Obama Is My Jesus'
1000 police pour into Mosul to protect Christians
Kofi & the Mullahs
Hezbollah threatens attacks on Israeli targets
Courting Nasrallah
URBAN INFIDEL: PHOTOS: Muslim Day Parade 2008, New York City

The shocking text of the "Draft Outcome Document" to be adopted at the UN's so-called anti-racism conference, Durban II, has just been released.
It features:
- accusations that Israel is guilty of apartheid, crimes against humanity and genocide
- allegations that Palestinians are victims of Israeli racism
- the accusation that Zionism is racism by referring to a "racially based law of return"
- claims of a right of return that would end the Jewishness of the state of Israel
- an effort to end Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem an attempt to strangle free speech by demands that states "encourage objective and balanced portrayals of people, events and history, especially in the media"
- a demand that states adopt laws to invade public and private life for the purposes of "preventing and punishing expressly and specifically contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in public and private life"
- an insistence that the world media be governed by "a code of ethical conduct with a view to prohibiting the proliferation of ideas of superiority and the justification of racial or religious hatred"
- an effort to tarnish "counterterrorism or national security" efforts with the accusation that they "hamper...progress in the collective struggle against racism"
- trumped-up accusations of global Muslim victimhood - including the claim that "the most serious manifestations of defamation of religions are the increase in Islamophobia and the worsening of the situation of Muslim minorities around the world -a blatant effort by states sponsors of terrorism to turn attention away from their own heinous behavior by reinventing themselves as victims ( IOW, TURNSPEAK ~ bz)
- demands for broad new laws that would undercut democratic rights and freedoms in the name of religious sensibilities: "take firm action against negative stereotyping of religions and defamation of religious personalities, holy books, scriptures and symbols."
Billie Holiday ~ All of Me