Dusty Springfield
I Close My Eyes & Count To Ten

Uccchhh! Peace in 2 Days Time is a first cousin of Peace in our Time is descended from Have you come in Peace, Jehu? There is ZERO new under the sun.Hamassholes & Fatahsses Mutually Release Prisoners

America, Russia and terrorists of the seas
Yea, Well....They Oughta Know:
Meeting in New York on the occasion of the 63rd session of the U.N. General Assembly, members of the Socialist International (SI) called for the establishment of a World Financial Organization to provide “global stability” and regulate the financial systems of the nations of the world. This will be the inevitable result of the U.S. Congress passing a socialist-style takeover of the U.S. financial sector. This centralization of power will make it easier to integrate the U.S. into a global socialist system.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, left, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, and President of the Socialist International George Papandreou, center, shake hands during the 23rd congress of the Socialist International at the Lagonissi Grand Resort, about 40 kilometers (25miles) south of Athens on Tuesday, July 1, 2008. Close to 700 participants from 150 political parties and organisations from 120 countries will attend the Congress of the Socialist International from June 30 to July 2.THE CHALLENGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER
America is no longer up to shouldering the world’s crises. But who is going to take its place? Russia, Brazil, China and India are all rising, but they are also competing with Europe and the US for finite natural resources. Only a common future -- a "change through rapprochement" and not a "clash of futures" can carry us forward.

European Union Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson pauses before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels, Thursday July 17, 2008. Troubled global trade talks are a crucial test for how a new world order can handle future world challenges such as climate change and food supply, the EU's trade chief said Thursday. Mandelson said talks between World Trade Organization nations in Geneva next week were happening at a time of "huge reordering of the global economy and politics" and would test their ability to strike a deal.Oy to the whole freakin' world. Koom Bah Humbug, ya One World MFers.

Preamble: The Alliance of Civilizations and the Council of Europe,
1. Recalling the values of pluralist democracy, the rule of law and human rights for the development of all societies;
2. Recognising that cultural diversity is an essential characteristic of every society and a potential factor for economic and social development;
3. Reasserting the need to build bridges between cultures and societies through dialogue and co-operation as well as for political will and a collective commitment to live together by strengthening mutual respect, tolerance and understanding among people of different ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural background;
4. Convinced of the need for intercultural dialogue to be based on the principles of the indivisibility and universality of human rights and on observance of the human rights standards of the United Nations and the Council of Europe;
5. Affirming the role of the Council of Europe as the benchmark for human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Europe, and acknowledging the close co-operation between the member states of the Council of Europe in promoting intercultural dialogue based on these common values and principles;
6. Renewing their commitment to these common values and principles which are rooted in Europe’s cultural, religious and humanistic heritage – a heritage both shared and rich in its diversity;
7. Bearing in mind the principles of intercultural dialogue as established for the Alliance of Civilizations by the High Level Group's report of 13 November 2006, and as laid down in the Council of Europe White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue "Living Together as Equals in Dignity";
8. Wishing to support the ratification and implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions;
9. Recognising the role of the Council of Europe as a member of the “Group of Friends” of the Alliance of Civilizations;
10. Having regard to their respective competences, specific characteristics and programmes of activities, and building on their existing good relations;
11. Wishing to intensify co-operation and mutually benefit from each other’s experience concerning matters of joint interest; Have agreed as follows: Objectives and Principles of co-operation in intercultural dialogue
[Hasan Chop]

Vultures circle for feeding frenzy
Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are coming down from the cactus to start the feast. As they "morphed" into banks in the milliseconds that have allowed them a grab for financial control of a swathe of America's banks, Morgan Stanley announced plans to sell as much as a 20% stake for $US8.4 billion ($A10 billion) to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Japan's largest bank, to shore up capital. Goldman Sachs said its new bank status would help it buy assets.

Mennonite Central Committee Defends Dinner With Ahmadinejad
Government Owned Churches?
So what happens if the government buys out a bank on the verge of bankruptcy and obtains church mortgages? Would the government be entangled with religion? Would such an arrangement amount to a violation of the First Amendment's bar against establishing religion?

Every Muslim must rise to defend his religion. The wind of faith is blowing and the wind of change is blowing to remove evil from the Peninsula of Mohammad, peace be upon him. As to America, I say to it and its people a few words: I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palestine, and before all the army of infidels depart the land of Mohammad, peace be upon him. God is the greatest and glory be to Islam.US approves Indian nuclear deal
Oingo Boingo ~ We Close Our Eyes