iLiKETRAINS ~ The Deception

It certainly isn't the kind of change that either McCain or Obama have been speaking of for months on end. Both want you to believe that they're going to change the way business is done in DC, and yet, both voted to approve the bloated bailout bill. On this particular issue, both sound exactly alike.....

If ever there were a recipe for poor political leadership, this is it.Cooking With Balls!
Gee, it's good to know there is now a practical way to put to use the millions of severed testicles just laying around emitting carbon and taking up green space in the utterly emasculated West. Go Eunuchs! Soylent Green!

Banking bill bails out China too
Wells Fargo in a Deal to Buy All of Wachovia
Goldman / Sachs "Buy List"
2 Goldman Sachs customers suing, claiming GS convinced them to keep buying risky securities when it knew the market was collapsing
Nasdrovia, Czar Bloomberg!
(Tran)SCRIPT of the "debate"
An accurate representation of me trying to watch the "debate"
Bush to Sign Bill to Nearly Double Amtrak Funding
US seizes $5billion of Saddam's assets

Egypt to host bullshit "Peace Summit" in November
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had wanted the sides to come to Sharm el-Sheik with an "inventory" of achievements, Ha'aretz reported Thursday, but the Israeli and Palestinian teams dissuaded her from that approach.When neither side is civil is it still called civil war?
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was reportedly resisting pressure from within Fatah to uproot Hamas in the West Bank and to prepare for a military confrontation in Gaza, Israel Radio reported on Wednesday morning.

Merkel meets with Russian President
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev says the global financial crisis shows the era of U.S. financial dominance is over and that it is time to implement worldwide financial reforms.
Merkel Slows NATO Bids by Georgia and Ukraine
Putin Claims Ukrainian Forces Fought in Georgia
Republicans blocked Iran sanctions legislation in the Senate
Not that "sanctions" matter , but still:
US clears US-based NGO to set up shop in Iran
In a rare move, the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) granted a license to the Princeton, New Jersey-based American-Iranian Council (AIC) to operate in Iran. A U.S. official said the decision to allow the NGO to go to Iran was "carefully reviewed" within the U.S. government.

Naturally! Wouldn't you?
UNCLE CHOM SEZ: "The Majority of the World Supports Iran"
Ahmadinejad: Zionists are infidel!
....the meal and gabfest "demonstrated both the power and potential of religious leaders contributing to peace," explained a World Council of Churches (WCC) official.

Two Iranian Christians released from prison27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
Imam Samudra, one of the convicted Bali I bombers, said he was convinced he and his two associates - Amrozi and Nuhlas -- would never be executed.
He made the remark to newsmen after performing Idul Fitri prayers at the Batu correctional institute in Nusakambangan, Central Java, on Wednesday morning. Samudra even said the Attorney General`s Office (AGO) was too afraid to order their execution by firing squad. He said he was not thinking too much about the execution plan because, he said, the problem of death was Allah`s responsibility and therefore he was ready to be executed any time. But if the execution was carried out, there would certainly be a retaliation, he said. "If anybody kills us, God willing, there will be retaliation," Samudra said without making an assurance where he would spend eternity after death.

The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals said Thursday that the cleric, Mohammed Ali Al-Moayad, and Mohammed Mohsen Zayed, can have new trials. It said the convictions for conspiring to provide material support to Hamas and al-Qaeda came after the men were deprived of a fair trial.

FBI raids Obama's Poker Buddy's Home
The FBI on Wednesday raided the county offices of a former Illinois state senator who is a poker-playing buddy of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama. According to Chicago authorities, the FBI visited the offices in Joliet, Ill., of Will County executive Larry Walsh, a longtime friend of Mr. Obama's, and his chief of staff Matt Ryan. Mr. Walsh, who served in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2005, was endorsed by Mr. Obama in his county executive election bid. With the support of some of Mr. Obama's U.S. Senate volunteers, he easily defeated incumbent Republican Joseph Mikan. Will County auditor Steve Weber confirmed that his office had been asked by the FBI to assist in an investigation, but he did not elaborate on the specifics.

Is Sarah Palin really a woman? That's the type of asinine question that could originate only in academia.THE AUDACITY OF TENURE
It turns out that the “change agent” running for president has yet another colorful associate the media seldom ask him about. “You mentioned Rashid Khalidi, who’s a professor at Columbia,” Barack Obama said in Boca Raton this year. “I do know him because I taught at the University of Chicago.”The Abject Failure of Physchobabble
HPV vaccine for gay men and boys!
The Crüxshadows - Deception