The Main Ingredient
Stones Rolling Down a Mountainside
Remember Obamanable Snowjobman's Universal Sign of the Asshole?

Told yez it was the Universal Sign of the Asshole
Walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
~ Ephesians 5:15-16

Olmert Seeking Golan-Giveaway Agreement
Abbasshole & Olmerde to meet on 10/27
Israel prepares to give PA control of additional cities

Livni wants extension for coalition talks
Nasrallah names his heir
Druze Leader wants to meet with Nasrallah
Lebanese PM denounces Israel to UN
Lebanese AF commander inks deal for more US weaponry
Lebanon's Bank Audi sees benefit from global crisis
From Syrian fishing port to naval power base: Russia moves into the Mediterranean
The Kosovo Factor
Kosovo wants equal status at world court
Too Soon to Kiss and Make Up
EU lets Gazprom into distribution network

Russia's Gazprom sees 2008 net profit at $30 bln
Gazprom gets it's Equatorial Guinea on
Gazprom invited for geological prospecting on Alaska shelf
Russia in No Rush For Crisis Summit
Iran Scrambles to Stem Oil Price Plunge
Pakistan Eyes Iranian "Peace Pipeline"
Documents Say Iran Aids Militias From Iraq
Democracy on Trial in Turkey as 86 Face Coup Attempt Charge

'Bush responsible for weakening of nuclear rules'
"By destroying the nuclear rules for India, President Bush has weakened the rules for everyone else. Pakistan and China will be the first, but almost certainly not the last, to take advantage of this weakened system," Markey said in a statement while reacting over the reports of Pakistan to build nuclear reactors with China's help.China signs agreement to help Pakistan build nuclear reactors
~ Democratic Congressman Edward Marke

Sure it is, they'll blow your infidel asses UP if you do that shit..
OIC Quietly Gets its Islamic Representative on the UN Security council
OIC Secretary General congratulates Turkey and Uganda
Greek Cyprus uneasy with Turkey’s influence over UNSC, OIC

Kurdish Christians demand autonomy
Attacks on Indian Christians worse than ever
GWB to host one world koom bah yahfest on credit crisis
Goldman Sachs to sell $10 bln in stock to Treasury
Top Wall Street bankers to receive $70bn pay deals
Australia: Merry Christmas from Goldman Sachs
Sex Scandal at the International Monetary Fund
What the FARC?
Email messages linking the Colombian Marxist guerilla insurgency to politicians, union activists and left-wing parties overseas have revealed a network of supporters spanning several continents