The Surfaris ~ Wipeout

The feverish pre-market atmosphere set in on the 79th anniversary of 'black Thursday', the start of the 1929 stockmarket crashOK: Panic NOW, all ye Purple Proles!
The worse it gets, the better it is for us ~ Lenin
Asian Markets Panicking
BEHIND THE PANIC: Financial Warfare over future of global bank power
Using panic to centralize power...
OPEC cuts production

Ya, but is he unhealthy? Apparently so.
Fatahssholes not speaking to Hamassholes
This guy likes a Hamas takeover
The Muftis of Morningside Heights
Israeli businessman kidnapped in Africa

Declaring that the recent turmoil had killed off the "dictatorship of the market," Mr. Sarkozy vowed to lead Europe toward a model in which the state will take a more active role in industry and protect firms from foreign takeover..... winston finally learned to love big brother...
The EU {hearts} Cuba!
The relationship between the EU and Cuba has taken a positive turn with the promise of a multi-million euro contribution. EU commissioner Louis Michel underlines the commitment to future cooperation with the country.

The European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg said that the People’s Mujahedeen had renounced violence earlier this decade
And this:
Building bridges and altering misguided perceptions of other cultures are crucial in a globalised world, according Jorge Sampaio, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations and a former President of Portugal, who addressed a formal sitting of the EP on Wednesday on the subject of cultural diversity, in a speech given as part of the EP's series of guest speeches for Year of Intercultural Dialogue.Come, alter my misguided perceptions, globalise my world. Bring an army. Ya gonna need it.
How about a nice relaxing Snake Massage?
[insert my shaking head here]

Germany to Oppose EU Plans for Full-Body Airport Scanning
Turkish minister heads to Kazakhstan after Oman talks
The FBI removed all mention of the controversial term “honor killing” from the wanted poster of a double-murder suspect after ran a story announcing the use of the term
DHIMMIS. And they are supposed to be protecting us? Please.

The draft security pact would require U.S. forces to leave Iraq by the end of 2011 and also provides a mechanism for Iraqi courts to try American troops for serious crimes committed off duty.
I have to look into that.... get back to ya
LA in Flames
Shimon Peres to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth
S&P slashes NYT rating to JUNK
Gary Hoey ~ Wipeout