Eurythmics ~ Sweet Dreams (1983)
2007 Remix
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

FARC Endorses Obama!
The US Communist Party Endorses Obama!
French Socialists Endorse Obama!
The Soviets Endorse Obama!

The Mullahs Endorse Obama!
Hamas Endorses Obama!
Castro Endorses Obama!
Chavez Endorses Obama!
We all know Colin Powell Endorses Obama!
Al Qaeda Endorses Obama!
Democratic Socialists of the US Endorse Obama
US President George W. Bush "greatly respects" Colin Powell, the White House said Monday after the former US secretary of state endorsed Barack Obama in the November 4 elections

Bill Clinton: "US in a ditch"
Is that right? Well, let me be the first to say thanks for your superhuman efforts to help put us there, Bubba.
But the larger problem for the McCain-Palin ticket's attempt to tie Obama to socialism is ... George W. Bush:
In the last four weeks, President Bush has proposed a $700-billion bailout of the financial sector, pressed his Treasury secretary to push equity into the system and met with key world leaders on how to regulate the global markets.
"The fly in the ointment for this socialism argument is the recent bank bailout," Larry Sabato, who heads the University of Virginia's nonpartisan Center for Politics, told CNN. "That's probably the most egregious example of socialism in American history."
As Countdown to Crawford noted in an earlier post, London's Telegraph captured this shift with its headline: "We're All Socialists Now, Comrade."
Russia Proposes Setting Up "Council of Religions" As UN Consultative Body:
Russia has come up with an initiative to establish a council of religions as a consultative body under UN auspices that will provide support for the Alliance of Civilizations international project, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told an international conference of foreign ministers from several countries in Astana on Friday.
Welcome to the Book of Revelation. Have a seat. Someone from our Feral Jewtian Department will be with you shortly.
Turkish Minister informs Omani officials about Alliance of Civilizations
OPEC, Russia to seek closer ties during Moscow visit
Russia, Iran and Qatar discuss OPEC-style cartelIran and Qatar consider Gazprom gas alliance
Gazprom needs to spend billions of dollars on new fields and pipelines in the next few years to maintain output and increase exports to Europe and Asia

Russia Basks in Iceland Bailout Request
President Karzai and Mullah Umar
Muslims disarming Somalian business owners
"...Only Islamist forces would be allowed to carry weapons," he said.
Solana visits the Saudis
Spanish minister in Turkey for talks
U.N. Cites $20 Million in Fraud
Super-Sarko's Plans for the World

Over 325,000 rabbis, priests and pastors in every Jewish and Christian congregation in America just received the award-winning documentary Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West on DVD, according to the publisher of a new periodical for clerical leaders, The Judeo-Christian View, which included the film inside the first issue.

Human tissue could be taken from the mentally infirm without their consent and used to create embryos for experimentation, under Government proposals added to a controversial bill ~ On Wednesday MPs will vote on a bill which would allow the creation of human/animal hybrid embryos to be used for stem cell research, change the conditions for granting IVF, and possibly liberalise the abortion laws.

A new science and technology university in Saudi Arabia will house one of the world's largest supercomputers and it is helping lure top researchers to the conservative desert state.Mugabe Blocks Zimbabwe Opposition Leader From Talks
4.0 in Yemen

President Bush was of the opinion that what happened to Olmert was "a shame", and asked Abu Mazen if he felt during his meetings with Livni that she had the same desire to pursue negotiations. Abu Mazen complained that Israeli measures hinder the work of the National Authority. Bush replied that what matters to him is for the coming Israeli government to commit to pursuing negotiations, and he promised to help the Palestinians in the fields of security and economy. Abu Mazen said that the Israelis had offered a map that was unacceptable in terms of the area of land exchange. Olmert also put forth a few ideas ideas, but the Palestinian side found them unclear (there were also hints at the situation of refugees)Nuclear nonproliferation meeting opens in Sydney
Aerosmith ~ Dream On
The past is gone.
It ran by
like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way?
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay
Yeah, I know ~
nobody knows
where it comes
and where it goes
I know
and everybody sins
You gotta lose to know how to win