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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Missing Links vs Yer Below Average Joe

Nick Cave, Charlie Haden & Toots Thielemans
Hey Joe

"Just Words" that Joe Biden would like to forget

2007: Biden: A Barrel of Gaffes

Biden is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Biden is an "internationalist" and a strong supporter of the United Nations

1987: Biden admits lies (er...."errors")

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

Audio of Obama Dismissing Abortion Bill


Spleen Flashback: Obamanable Weapons of Mass Deception

Russia aims missiles at Georgian capital of Tbilisi

It's OK.... the Russian "Peacekeepers" can stay - Condi said so!

What the US Approved Soviet "Peacekeepers" are really in Georgia to do

The Saudi's Role in Georgia:

We need help from the connected global community to “smoke out “ an underreported item in the world press regarding former Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan’s recent deal with Russia and possible American collusion or silent consent in this month’s Russian rape of Georgia. It’s a complex issue that needs some explanation.

When Bandar bin Sultan was in Moscow on July 14th, he and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a large and historic Saudi-Russian arms agreement between the world’s top two oil producers in return for a Russian pledge to cease support of Iran, among other things (see John Daly and Reuters reports). The fate of Georgia was sealed with a deal that cleverly and insidiously linked Iran, Chechnya, Georgia and Crimea in one package.

During their meetings, Bandar reportedly told Putin that if Russia agreed to stop supporting Iran, he (Bandar) would ensure that his “friends in Washington” would “look the other way,” were Russia to occupy Georgia’s separatist provinces at the opening of the Olympics—i.e., swap a free Georgia for a united approach against Iran and eventually sell out Ukraine’s Crimea as well.

Russia will control the transit of oil

Al-Qaeda Affiliate Jaish al-Islam Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza


Aide: Iraq's al-Sadr may stay in Iran for years

Somali pirates operating in the strategically vital Gulf of Aden have hijacked a record four ships with almost 100 crew onboard in less than 48 hours

INDONESIA: Christian Theology Students Forced off Campus by Mob of Muslims

Study finds new earthquake dangers for NYC

Earthquake Wednesday in Eastern Arkansas started along mystery fault line

Caliphelating American Academics to visit Iran

French visit to boost relations with Syria

Turkish Daily News on the strategic implications of the Russian invasion

Deep Purple ~ Hey Joe