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Friday, August 22, 2008

Missing Links in the Days of Freedom Under Seige

Joe Cuba ~ El Pito
(I'll Never Go Back To Georgia)

Another Catholic priest brutally murdered in India

Pakistani Christians face uncertain future

Syria: We'll host Russian missile system

China & Iraq sign $1.2B oil deal

Arabs back Russia

Thanks a lot, now GTFO, Kuffar

Iraq invites Russian oil company back
An Iraqi Cabinet minister invited Russia's Lukoil on Wednesday to renew its bid on the vast West Qurna-2 oil field and urged Russian companies to seek roles rebuilding dilapidated power plants as Iraq searches for foreign investment to revive its oil industry and infrastructure.

"I hope Russian companies will take part in the bidding," Iraqi Electricity Minister Karim Wahid told a news conference in Moscow.

Iraqis buy billions in US arms

New Al Qaeda Manual Reflects Changing Face of Terror

Dhimmi Bitch will now instruct you on how best to submit to evil:
Karen Armstrong was a Catholic nun for seven years before leaving her order and going to Oxford. Today, she is amongst the most renowned theologians and has written numerous bestsellers on the great religions and their founders. She is one of the 18 leading group members of the Alliance of Civilizations, an initiative of the former UN General Secretary, Kofi Anan, whose purpose is to fight extremism and further dialogue between the western and Islamic worlds. She talks here to the German journalist, Andrea Bistrich, about politics, religion, extremism and commonalities.

Powder in letter to McCain not dangerous, police say

HOLY SCIENCE PROCLAIMS: Dogs now have morals

Remember this case? The boy was eviscerated then murdered by the MFer

Holland: Candies imported to Israel with swastika tattoos inside

Corsi: Not a Truther after all

Toby Keith, a "conservative Democrat?"

Dems plan expansion of UN Power

2006: Gore apologizes to Saudis

Clinton coup brewing against Barockstar Obama

40 years after the death of a party
At the Democratic Convention in Chicago, the pent-up animus against America, simmering on college campuses for years, blossomed into an anti-war movement which was not anti-war at all, but which was rather anti-America and anti-freedom. Banners celebrated brutal thugs like Ho Chi Minh and defined America as "Amerika." The protesters who carried these banners called openly for violence, not peace. The object of this movement was, quite simply, the triumph of evil.

Serious debates about the prudence and effectiveness of policies -- Was Southeast Asia worth defending? Were the operations and tactics employed wise? -- were replaced by fundamental questions about the morality of our nation. Communist dictators like Castro were celebrated. Mega-murderers like Mao were lionized. This was something new and hideous in American political discussion.

Many Americans supported isolationism before the Second World War, but these Americans did not say that our nation was a pox; they did not champion the wicked regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan; they did not yearn that America become more like the world. Rather, these America Firsters thought that the world should become more like America.

No major political movement that despised America could have survived in America in 1940. Indeed, no major political movement can survive in a democracy which despises its homeland -- except in America. Forty years ago, the Democratic Party became an anomaly in the history of democracies: It assumed a posture of contempt towards the very nation which it sought to govern. Why? The principle reason was that a sated generation deprived of God thrashed about for purpose and, finding none, embraced the nihilism of Marxism and loathed the hopeful life that America had given to so many peoples from so many lands. My wife's parents, Holocaust survivors, loved America for the manifest goodness that it was. They understood totalitarianism and then they understood America. Life taught them the nature of good and of evil.

The anti-American students at the Chicago Democratic Convention, charter members of the most pampered generation in human history, assumed that goodness was imperfection and that evil was nirvana. Empty souls assumed that emptiness was the normal condition of the human soul. Marx, the father not only of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, but also the father of Mussolini and Hitler, was the adopted father of these angry, spoiled children.


Georgian National Anthem