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Friday, August 22, 2008

Katanga: The Untold Story of UN Betrayal

Katanga: The Untold Story of UN Betrayal

Hat Tip: The Archangel Michael

The video embedded above was posted to Google by the John Birch Society - however, please do not let that nullify the truth contained within it for you... ya gotta glean, from all sources.

Remember Katanga!


Globalists everywhere are today citing the "accomplishments" of the United Nations during its 50-year life. One of the feats accredited to the UN was the reunification of the Belgian Congo by a UN "peacekeeping" force. Since most of the people I talk to have never heard of this piece of history, it seems appropriate to review it on this anniversary.

The tragedy of Katanga started on June 30, 1960 when Belgium granted independence to its former province of the Congo. Leadership of the new nation fell to Moscow-sponsored terrorist Patrice Lumumba. Lumumba was so highly regarded by Soviet dictator Khrushchev that he renamed the Moscow "Peoples Friendship University" the "Patrice Lumumba Friendship University" upon Lumumba's death. In a directive to the heads of the Congolese provinces, Lumumba wrote that they should use "terrorism, essential to subdue the population." His directive was carried out enthusiastically.

In order to avoid the nightmare that attended Communist rule in the Congo, the province of Katanga declared its independence. Its president, the Christian, pro-American Moise Tshombe, announced that "we are seceding from chaos." Tshombe asked Belgium to send military officers to recruit and train a Katangese army to restore order in Katanga. Lumumba and his successor, Cyrille Adoula, asked for and got the aid of United Nations "peacekeepers" to force Katanga back under Congolese rule. It took two years of UN warmaking to accomplish this goal.


Seems there's lots of good stuff in Katanga that the god of ChaChing covets

Investors in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC] have waited with baited breath to find out what will come out of the contract renegotiations with mining companies. Katanga Mining Ltd. (KATFF.PK) announced its revised deal Tuesday morning, providing some potential guidelines for the other contracts. The shares fell about 10%.

Katanga's revised contract includes a change in the royalty rate from 1.5% to 2.5%. The company will also increase its board from five directors to eight, and three members will be appointed by Gécamines, the DRC's state-owned mining company and Katanga's joint venture partner. Share capital of the merged joint venture will rise to C$100-million from C$1-million.

Katanga will retain 75% of the joint venture, while Gécamines will hold 25%. That is unchanged from the previous contract.

Other mining companies with big vested interests in the DRC include Anvil Mining Corp.(AVMNF.PK), Lundin Mining Corp.(LMC), and Freeport-McMoran Copper &Gold Inc. (FCX).
Anvil Mining

Lundin Mining

Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Inc

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