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Friday, June 27, 2008

Missing Link & The Floating Power

MUSE: New Born 2001

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Hopeless time to roam
The distance to your home
Fades away to nowhere
How much are you worth
You can't come down to earth
You’re swelling up, you're unstoppable
'cause you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting our last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
'cause I’m drifting away
Away from you

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze
And the love for what you hide
And the bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting their last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
‘cause I'm drifting away
Away from you

Click Me! Me So Holy!


The rainbow was given to be “l’ot brit” [for a sign of the covenant] between the LORD and the earth] to keep it from destruction by deluge
Genesis 9:12-17

Even this they manage to pervert

Haredis arrested for holding "insulting signs" at Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade

Presbyterian (USA) Minister Officiates Gay Calif. Wedding

Anglican bishop Michael Nazir Ali refuses to stop preaching Jesus to Muslims..although some in his church welcome Shari'a

But WTF IS the Council of Europe, anyway?

French sources: Syria may 'rethink' ties with Iran

French Sources? LOL! Guess whose side they are on?
Can you say disinformation? I knew that you could!

CIA involved in radical Islamic cleric's disappearance?

Well, I certainly hope so. As for the PC? Oy.


Did Richard Dawkins try to crash the premier of "Expelled"?


Harris, however, argues that not just Western gods but philosophers are "dwarfs" next to the Buddhas. And a Harris passage on psychics recommends that curious readers spend time with the study "20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation."

Asked which cases are most suggestive of reincarnation, Harris admits to being won over by accounts of "xenoglossy," in which people abruptly begin speaking languages they don't know. Remember the girl in "The Exorcist"? "When a kid starts speaking Bengali, we have no idea scientifically what's going on," Harris tells me. It's hard to believe what I'm hearing from the man the New York Times hails as atheism's "standard-bearer."

Harris writes: "There seems to be a body of data attesting to the reality of psychic phenomena, much of which have been ignored by mainstream science." On the phone he backpedals away from the claim.

"I've received a little bit of grief for that," he says. "I certainly don't say that I'm confident that psychic phenomena exist. I'm open-minded. I would just like to see the data."

To see the "data" yourself, "The End of Faith" points readers to a slew of paranormal studies.


ON SAM HARRIS, SEE ALSO: Lucius Septimius: Must Be The Season of the Witch

MUSE: Butterflies & Hurricanes
Live at "Rock Am Ring", 2004

Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called

Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead

Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now

Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called

Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead

Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now

Don’t let yourself down
And don’t let yourself go
Your last chance has arrived

Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now