Missing Link Like Make Music!
SO...... they use this term "lysenkoism" as a new buzzword to refer to backwardness and refusal to acknowledge the supremacy of science in all things.
MEGA OUTRAGE!:Jimmy Carter wants trade relations with Iran
Palestinians have their hatred to thank if they can't prosper in the Middle East's only democracy
Record oil prices spark boom for Islamic funds
Eshkoli's mission: to convince Eshkol to issue an order to the Israel Defense Forces Northern regional command to take the Golan Heights and to remove the Syrian threat, once and for all, from over the heads of the Galilee settlements
A Turkish citizen who, while being in a bus, complained to his fellow passenger about the poverty in which many of his fellow countrymen live and about the consequent fast growth of crime, was charged by a policeman for having "insulted the Turkish state
Galilee cave findings
The Obama Connection
However, Lysenko's theory really was wrong. But they are using the term to brand people as dolts, with Bush as the #1 target. So, it would follow that appointing anti-abortion CHRISTIAN judges to the Supreme Court could actually be an example of Lysenkosism, as they could not possibly have sound, scientific judgment.
MEGA OUTRAGE!:Jimmy Carter wants trade relations with Iran
The heresy they hunt is the belief in an omnipotent God who intervenes in history. And the punishment they impose is public death, banishment from the public square. Their power is sufficient to give pause to even the secular-minded among us.
The treatment of Pastor Hagee last week demonstrates the danger. Pastor Hagee's "offense" was to apply his belief in an omnipotent God to the greatest of tragedies: the Holocaust. After all, an all powerful God by definition could have prevented the Holocaust. So why didn't he? In the search for an answer, Pastor Hagee quoted the book of Jeremiah to suggest that God permitted the Holocaust to bring the Jewish people back to Israel.
Far from representing anything new or shocking, this belief that God sanctions the bad as well as good has deep roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches that not even a sparrow falls from the sky unless God wills it. If one sparrow cannot die without God's consent, then it is certainly reasonable to conclude that the same is true of six million human beings created in God's image.
Palestinians have their hatred to thank if they can't prosper in the Middle East's only democracy
Record oil prices spark boom for Islamic funds
Eshkoli's mission: to convince Eshkol to issue an order to the Israel Defense Forces Northern regional command to take the Golan Heights and to remove the Syrian threat, once and for all, from over the heads of the Galilee settlements
A Turkish citizen who, while being in a bus, complained to his fellow passenger about the poverty in which many of his fellow countrymen live and about the consequent fast growth of crime, was charged by a policeman for having "insulted the Turkish state
Galilee cave findings
An Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights would destabilize the border by removing Israel's offensive deterrent capacity against Syria. Since nature abhors a vacuum, Israel's deterrent capacity would be transferred to the hands of Syrian dictator and Iranian proxy Bashar Assad and his henchmen. Additionally, in the wake of an Israeli surrender of the Golan Heights on the heels of Iran's consolidation of its hold over Lebanon, Assad's regime will be triumphant. His decision to cast his country's lot with Iran will be perceived an act of brilliant statecraft
The Obama Connection
TEHRAN (AFP) - A male defender of the feminist cause in Iran has been sentenced to a year in prison, the moderate Kargozaran newspaper reported on Monday
“Swearing on the Koran:” Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison interviewed by Al Ahram
Beware the Strongly Worded Report!
Iran may be withholding information needed to establish whether it tried to make nuclear arms, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Monday in an unusually strongly worded report. The tone of the language suggesting Tehran continues to stonewall the UN nuclear monitor revealed a glimpse of the frustration felt by agency investigators stymied in their attempts to gain full answers to suspicious aspects of Iran's past nuclear activities. A senior UN official familiar with the investigation into Iran's nuclear program said none of the dozens of agency reports issued in that context had ever been as plain spoken in calling Tehran to task for not being forthright...Iran has described its cooperation with the agency's probe as positive, suggesting it was providing information requested by agency officials...
Republican John McCain on Monday sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for not having been to Iraq since 2006, and said they should visit the war zone together
Emir of Pakistani Taliban Beitullah Mahsoud:
Pakistan Should Use Its Nuclear Weapons to Challenge the Enemies of Islam......
In their own words-How to spread Islam in the Public Schools
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday told the visiting political supremo of Hamas to keep up the resistance against Israel, warning that abandoning the struggle would lead to disgrace
Utopian Peace Junkies - Glick
A new video called "Nuclear Terrorism" has been posted on the worldwide web calling for jihadists to use nuclear or chemical weapons to strike the west....
On Monday at 4.23 pm, local time, Camp Ashraf was the target of a missile attack launched by the Islamic republic, when "Grad" missiles were launched against the Iranian resistance, an attack that was described by a spokesman for the resistance as "an act of war." The missiles, which caused no injuries, were engraved with the date of manufacture, "24-5-1384" which corresponds to August 15, 2005 according to the Persian calendar.
Iran: Cleric 'calls all feminists whores and foreign spies'
Surely the mullahs know how bad things really are, and they have plenty of resources to cope with the crisis. Why aren’t they?
I think Khomeini gave the answer on the airplane that flew him from Paris to Tehran in 1979:
he didn’t give a damn about Iran, he was fighting for the triumph of Islam.
His heirs are of the same fanatical ilk: Iranian resources are largely devoted to the cause of jihad, not to Iran per se. If Iran goes down the drain, but a new caliphate is created, first in the region and then globally, that’s success by their standardsUN Peacekeepers Sexually Abusing KidsA 13 year-old girl was gang-raped in the Ivory Coast and left bleeding, trembling and vomiting.
Koom Bah Yah, ya One World MFers.
There is a serious real time threat on our doorstep that is called Islam. This is far more deadly than any threat we have ever faced and will ever face. The fact that we have people that are willing to buy into the Democratic rhetoric of economic Utopia at the price risking national security tells me that we have lost all sight of what our forefathers had in mind when they established this great nation
A prison officer in the United Kingdom was transferred after he caused a stir amongst inmates by calling his sniffer dog 'Allah'
Religious and symbolic considerations aside, Iran wants to control Syria and Lebanon as advance posts in what it sees as its inevitable war against Israel. Its efforts in Syria include creating the largest Shiite theological seminary outside Iran, plus a massive campaign of "Shiificiation" via 14 Iranian "cultural centers" recently opened in Syrian provinces
Dubai & Hong Kong sign Islamic finance agreement
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Hong Kong