I think I'm so educated
and I'm so civilized
'Cos I'm a strict vegetarian
But with the over-population
and inflation
and starvation
And the crazy politicians
I don't feel safe in this world no more
I don't want to die in a nuclear war
I want to sail away to a distant shore
and make like an ape man
Iraqi Christians warn of catastrophe
While recognizing that his competence was mainly as a scientist, he was accepting of people who overlapped the scientific and religious spheres more than he did. Once, in referring to Asa Gray, the Harvard botanist and orthodox Presbyterian whom he frequently cited in his books, he wrote: "It seems to me absurd to doubt that a man may be an ardent theist and an evolutionist."
Six-year-olds sexually abused by UN peacekeepers
Video Urges Nuclear Jihad Against US
[UPDATE: "Code" Threatens September 2008 Attack?]
Woman Gets Time Served for Dumping her Newborn Child in Trash.....
IRAN'S President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked for an audience next week with Pope Benedict XVI
Italian Resistance!
Bulldozers brought down last week a building housing a Muslim prayer room in the city. "I never felt at ease with this mosque," Elisonder Antonneli, the head of Verona city council, said.
"This place will be turned into a park and a car parking space and will be named after
(Italian writer) Oriana Fallaci."
National Geographic Magazine: Was Darwin Wrong?
hat tip DJ Q Burn
In her living room, Ms. El Aroud, a 48-year-old Belgian, wears the ordinary look of middle age: a plain black T-shirt and pants and curly brown hair. The only adornment is a pair of powder-blue slippers monogrammed in gold with the letters SEXY.
She calls herself a female holy warrior for Al Qaeda . She insists that she does not disseminate instructions on bomb-making and has no intention of taking up arms herself. Rather, she browbeats Muslim men to go and fight and rallies women to join the cause.
The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not so ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities and left-wing icons
UK Police call St. George's flag offensive to immigrants
Obama & the Religion of Race War
Editor of Syrian Government Daily: Israel Is a "Poisonous Mushroom"; "[Its] Rightful Owners Are Capable Of Uprooting It – If Not Today Then Tomorrow"
US Farms outsourced to Mexico
There is a Greek tragedy unfolding today in the Middle East. In response to past mistakes and as a result of hubristic political calculation, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is setting in motion forces that promise to lead inexorably to grief for his nation. The result could be staticide, the destruction of the Jewish State, with incalculably serious repercussions for the Free World in general and the United States in particular.
The Naked Communist
“You help me get out of the Hariri investigation, and I’ll help you get out of the corruption charges.” The Syrian and Israeli governments’ simultaneous announcing of their peace talks last week was timed with such transparent cynicism that the respective heads of state, Bashar Assad and Ehud Olmert, might as well have used that wording
How Does Obama "Love" Israel
Did you hear the one about the Jew who says to his psychiatrist that he believes the psychiatrist is plotting his destruction? The psychiatrist tells him that he has a sick delusion and should not worry, since the psychiatrist is there to protect him. The poor jerk is happy until he looks up at the diplomas on the wall and sees the psychiatrist's middle name is Hussein, and a diploma from a Muslim school
Olmert, Assad stage peace stunt to stave off political woes
Tehran, 27 May (AKI) - Iranian filmmaker, Nader Talebzadeh, says that he has made the first ever film about Jesus Christ based on the Koran, the Muslim holy book.
In the film, entitled "Jesus, the Spirit of God", Christ does not end up on the cross and Judas is crucified instead. The film, which the director describes as "Christ as told by the Koran", took 10 years and five million dollars to make.