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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Prophet Zimmy!

 The Temple Musicians 
These are the men 
David put in charge of the music 
in the house of the LORD 
after the ark came to rest there...

Bob Dylan: “Prophet” and Medal of Honor Recipient

Born Robert Allen Zimmerman to Jewish parents and raised in Hibbing, Minn., many Dylan fans might not truly appreciate how much Dylan’s heritage infuses his work. But Seth Rogovoy certainly does. In his book “Bob Dylan: Prophet, Mystic, Poet,” Rogovoy explores how Judaism influenced the songwriter.
Rogovoy reveals the ways in which Dylan walks in the footsteps of the Jewish prophets, explaining the profound depth of Jewish content—drawn from the Bible, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah—at the heart of Dylan’s music, and demonstrating how his songs can only be fully appreciated in light of the Jewish themes that inform them.
According to Rogovoy, Dylan’s spiritual roots are evident throughout his 50 albums.


The Musicians