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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Change is Made ~ RIP Robin

"The family of Robin Gibb, of the Bee Gees, announce with great sadness that Robin passed away today following his long battle with cancer and intestinal surgery," reads the statement. "The family have asked that their privacy is respected at this very difficult time."

In righteousness you will be established,
far from oppression,
with nothing to fear; far from ruin,
for it will not come near you.
The way of the righteous is level
Isaiah 26
The person who sins
is the one that will die —
 a son is not to bear
his father’s guilt with him,
nor is the father to bear
his son’s guilt with him;
but the righteousness of the righteous
 will be his own,
and the wickedness of the wicked
will be his own.
Ezekiel 18 
 Consider someone who is righteous,
 who does what is lawful and right
Ezekiel 18 
None of the transgressions he has committed
will be remembered against him;
for the righteousness that he has done,
he will live
~ Ezekiel 18