In righteousness you will be established,
far from oppression,
with nothing to fear; far from ruin,
for it will not come near you.
The person who sins
is the one that will die —
a son is not to bear
his father’s guilt with him,
nor is the father to bear
his son’s guilt with him;
but the righteousness of the righteous
will be his own,
and the wickedness of the wicked
will be his own.
~ Ezekiel 18
is the one that will die —
a son is not to bear
his father’s guilt with him,
nor is the father to bear
his son’s guilt with him;
but the righteousness of the righteous
will be his own,
and the wickedness of the wicked
will be his own.
~ Ezekiel 18
None of the transgressions he has committed
will be remembered against him;
will be remembered against him;