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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Truth Will Set You Free

Along with their relatives—
all of them trained and skilled
in music for the LORD—
they numbered 288.
~ 1 Chronicles 25

The priests took their positions,
as did the Levites
with the LORD’s musical instruments,
which King David had made
for praising the LORD
and which were used
when he gave thanks, saying,
“His love endures forever.”
~ 2 Chronicles 7

GOD's the truth.
He hates a lie.
~ Dion DiMucci, King Of The Bronx

The king used the algumwood
to make steps for the temple of the LORD
and for the royal palace,
and to make harps and lyres
for the musicians.
Nothing like them
had ever been seen in Judah.
~ 2 Chronicles 9

They performed the service of their God
and the service of purification,
as did also the musicians
and gatekeepers,
according to the commands
of David and his son Solomon.
~ Nehemiah 12