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Monday, May 31, 2010


Thanks be to Mikael and Storagemanager for the many links

But now many nations
are gathered against you.
They say,
"Let her be defiled,
let our eyes gloat over Zion!"
~ Micah 4

Dear Friends,

If you really want to know what is going on in the Middle East these days, and how Israel stands alone in a battle for her existence, please watch theses clips taken from the streaming video on board the large ship carrying 600 pro-Hamas passengers to Gaza.

They claim that the people of Gaza are starving and destitute because of the Israeli blockage. (They neglect to mention the massive numbers of weapons that are smuggled into Gaza every day through tunnels between Egypt and Gaza). They claim that they carry humanitarian cargo - cement, school supplies, medical supplies, etc.

They expect Israel to take them at their word that the cargo is benign, and they complain about Israeli 'inhumanity' towards the people of Gaza (they probably don't remember the 3000+ rockets fired into Israel's civilian centers before the Gaza war stopped them). They also fail to mention the continuing attacks by Hamas on Israeli patrols inside Israel.

At the end of this e-mail are two links to interviews on board the lead ship of the flotilla. One man speaks about the starving people of Gaza, and the lack of medical supplies. So in order to recognize the lies that are being perpetrated and believed by too much of the world, here are just a few facts about the real situation:

Israel maintains an ongoing humanitarian corridor for the transfer of perishable and staple food items to Gaza. This conduit is used by internationally recognized organizations including the United Nations and the Red Cross. Well over a million tons of humanitarian supplies entered Gaza from Israel over the last 18 months equaling nearly a ton of aid for every man, woman and child in Gaza.

Large quantities of essential food items like baby formula, wheat, meat, dairy products and other perishables are transferred daily and weekly to Gaza. Fertilizers that cannot be used to make explosives are shipped into the Strip regularly, as are potato seeds, eggs for reproduction, bees, and equipment for the flower industry.

In a typical week the IDF coordinates the transfer of hundreds of trucks containing about 15,000 tons of supplies. During the week of May 18, 2010 there were more than 100 truckloads of animal food, 65 trucks of fruit and vegetables; 22 truckloads of sugar, some 27 truckloads of meat, poultry and fish; and 40 trucks of dairy products. At holiday times, Israel increases transfers. During the Muslim holy days of Ramadhan and Eid al-Adha, Israel shipped some 11,000 heads of cattle into the Strip.

So what is all this about the desperate need of the people in Gaza? And why the need for this "Flotilla of Mercy"? It's more PR than mercy, particularly since Israel offered to have them come to Ashdod, where the goods would be trans-shipped through regular land routes
(see photo below of typical transports to the people of Gaza from Israel)

And the medical equipment? Did you know that
no Palestinian is denied medical care in Israel? Unfortunately, if the Hamas regime does not grant permits for medical care, the Israeli government can do nothing to help the patient. But Israel facilitates all cases of medical treatments from Gaza, unless the patient is a known perpetrator of terror. (Since 2005, there were more than twenty cases in which Palestinians exploited medical care arrangements to carry out terror attacks.)

The Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem donates $3 million in aid annually to treat Palestinians in Israel. Following fears of a swine flu outbreak, three Israeli hospitals were assigned to treat cases in the Gaza Strip and 44,500 immunizations were transferred to the Strip. In 2009, Israel coordinated the transfer of medical supplies for the disabled including wheelchairs, crutches and first aid kits. Other equipment shipped to Gaza include heart-monitors, baby feeding tubes, dental equipment, medical books, ambulance emergency equipment, artificial limbs and infant sleeping bags.

Israel maintains a corridor for the transfer of medical patients out of Gaza, and about 200 medical staff members go through the crossings every month. Israel also helps coordinate the transfer of Jordanian doctors into Gaza. In 2009 alone, 10,544 patients and their companions left the Gaza Strip for medical treatment in Israel. Moreover, there were 382 emergency evacuations from Gaza for medical purposes.

Oh yes, and they keep talking about the cement and school supplies that they are bringing. Did you know that Gaza has its own cement factory, with raw materials supplied by Israel?? And is there not room in the tunnels for pencils, books, and paper?

The list goes on and on. But the Hamas propaganda machine works extremely well. Listen to the You-tube clip, captured from their media frenzy with the help of streaming media so they can continue to tell the world lies and more lies about the true condition in Gaza today.

A report from an Al Jazeera reporter on board the ship:

Here is an interview with some of the "brave supporters" of Hamas. You won't understand all of it, but it's worth listening to the end:

Stay tuned, but understand how serious is the manner in which they deceive. The sad truth is that too many people believe them. The region is becoming super-charged with the rumblings of war as Iran and Syria continue to supply Hizballah with a huge supply of sophisticated weapons and the expertise of the Iranian Republican Guard. And Hamas continues to smuggle arms into Gaza, while running this show-stopping PR play - to distract the world as Hizballah prepares to unleash a rain of terror on Israel.

So please send this on to everyone on your list who cares even a little, and understands how important this is, not only to Israel, but to America. And as we remember our own heroes tomorrow, who gave their lives for our freedom, please also remember Israel, our strongest ally in the region, who stands today at the brink of potential disaster as her neighbors conspire to destroy her.


Ilana Freedman, CEO

On that day,
when all the nations of the earth
are gathered against her,
I will make Jerusalem
an immovable rock
for all the nations.
All who try to move
it will injure themselves.
~ Zechariah 12

I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you
I will curse
~ Genesis 12

The Flotilla to the Gaza Strip – Update as of 1400 hours, May 30, 2010

EU foreign policy chief calls for comprehensive enquiry into deaths aboard aid ships seized by Israel's Navy. White House says examining circumstances of clash. Spain, Sweden and Greece summon Israeli ambassadors to their capitals to demand explanations

Former British prime minister and current Quartet Representative Tony Blair expressed "regret and shock at the tragic loss of life" that took place during the IDF raid on the Gaza protest flotilla on Monday

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned on Monday the raid of the "Free Gaza" flotilla

Jordan harshly condemned the Israel Defense Forces' action against the Gaza-bound aid ships on Monday, and said "the horrible crime cannot be justified."

The United States said on Monday it deeply regretted the deaths and injuries caused when Israeli commandos stormed a convoy of Gaza-bound aid ships leading to 10 deaths

Turkey told Israel that it would "suffer the consequences" after at least 10 pro-Palestinian activists were killed when Israeli commandos boarded a convoy of aid ships heading to Gaza...
( btw... GULEN owns ZAMAN)

Riot police teams from the Ankara Police Department surrounded the Israel Embassy building yesterday to protect the embassy from angry protesters protesting Israel’s attack on a humanitarian aid ship from Turkey on Monday

Israel's prime minister has expressed his support for the militray's actions in a deadly raid against an aid flotilla sailing to the blockaded Gaza Strip

IDF Soldier Shot, Critically Wounded on Flotilla Boat

Army Radio reporter Gal Lev-Rom, on board one of the Israeli Navy ships that stopped the anti-Israel flotilla, reported on the “peace activists” preparations to lynch Israeli soldiers and on the large weapon stocks they brought

Will the media report accurately and fairly as anti-Israel activists violently resist an IDF naval boarding with tragic results?

Blessed are you, O Israel!
Who is like you,
a people saved by the LORD ?
He is your shield and helper
and your glorious sword.
Your enemies will cower before you,
and you will trample down their high places
~ Deuteronomy 33